Footprints Without Feet

1. You are Sumit, a student of MND Public School, jhansi. A science symposium on the topic ‘Effect of science on the quality of life’ was was organised in yopur school. Write a report on the same.

A Science Symposium at MMD Scoool

A science symposium on the topic ‘Effect of science on the quality of life’ was organized on 11th March 2019 by MMD School, Nashik. It was inaugurated by the chief guest Dr. SK Khurana. Our Principal and the other staff members welcomed the chief guest. The whole school was decorated beautifully. More than 50 students from the nearby schools took part in it. The whole school was crowded and a great enthusiasm could be seen among the students. The purpose of this event was to create awareness among students about the effect of science on the quality of life. The programme started with the lighting the ceremonial lamp by the chief guest accompanied by the principal and some other leading dignitaries. Then there was a powerpoint presentation and a panel discussion on the topic. There was also a question answer session. After that a keynote address was given by the chief guest. •In the end the principal gave a speech thanking all the guests and the students for attending the programme. All the participants were given certificates and mementos.

2. A cleanliness drive was organised in your school. Write a report on the same.

A Cleanliness Drive

A cleanliness drive was organized on 2nd October 2019 by ABC School, Patna. All the students of class 9th to 12th participated in it with great enthusiasm. We put in our best to make the drive a success. The principal of our school started the programme by cleaning the area in front of the school. After some time some teachers and some students picked up brooms and started their job. Some of the students did the dusting of the rooms. All the wrappers and pieces of useless paper lying in the ground and some classrooms were collected by the students and put into dustbins. •After cleaning the whole surrounding of the school, its premises and classrooms, all the students assembled in the school hall and had some light refreshment. Everyone was feeling a great satisfaction after doing this noble cause. Then the principal of the school gave a speech giving the importance of cleanliness in our life. In the end all the students took the oath of keeping their home, locality, city and their surroundings clean.

You are Rama, studying in Sun Public School, Bangalore. Every year your school celebrates the World Health Day 'that falls on 7th April. Write a report for your school newsletter in 150 - 200 words on how the day was celebrated this year.


Sun Public School was in the news again. Continuing with their old tradition, it celebrated The World Health Day 'on 7th April. The school organized a one-day workshop. The theme was: 'Promoting Health and Hygiene'. Dr. M. Aggarwal, the noted physician, was the Chief - guest. He spoke about the danger posed by diseases like diabetes, blood - pressure, failure of liver, kidneys, and heart. He appealed to the audience to give up smoking, drinking and the excessive use of fats. Dr. Sunita Jain, a famous nutritionist, and health expert stressed on having leafy green vegetables, salads and fibrous food. He said the importance of keeping our environment clean and pollution-free. The Principal reminded the students that a sound mind lives in a sound body. The star attraction of the celebrations was the demonstration of Yogic exercises by a group of students. Word – Notes: Posed by - created, generated, Diabetes - a disease-related to sugar in the blood, Appealed - made a special request, Excessive - more than enough, Nutritionist - one who advises about nutrition, Fibrous - having fibers, Highlighted – emphasized

You are Ram / Rama, studying in Sun Public School, Agra. Every year your school celebrates the World Heritage Day 'that falls on 18th April. Write a report for your school newsletter in 150 - 200 words on how the day was celebrated in your school this year.


Sun Public School has kept up its wonderful tradition. The school celebrated the World Heritage Day 'on 18th April with great enthusiasm and fanfare. Dr. Irfan Habib, the great historian, and scholar was the Chief - Guest on the occasion. The celebrations started with the inauguration of an exhibition by the Chief guest. The theme was: Know Your Heritage 'The students displayed pictures, posters, and write-ups of the old and modern wonders of the world. A huge model of the Taj Mahal was the center of attraction. The Chief - Guest urged the students to keep the heritage of mankind alive and in good shape. All monuments, historical buildings, tribal arts, crafts, and cultures should be preserved. The Principal thanked the teachers and students for organizing such a grand show and keeping the spirit of the day alive.

You are Sunit / Sunita, studying in Sun Public School, Allahabad Your school organized an Inter House Drama Competition for the students of the four houses of your school. Write a report in 150 - 200 words for your school magazine on the program. Mention the titles of the plays, their themes and the actor who was adjudged the best.

By Anita
Bhusaval: 10th May 2019

Like every year Sun Public School organized an Inter House Drama Competition for the students of the four houses. The students had taken their seats in the school auditorium minutes before the competition started. The first One-act - the play was staged by the Tagore House. The play was named 'Kargil. It was about the Kargil war in which India thrashed Pakistan. In spite of its patriotic overtones, the audience cheered lustily. The Gandhi House staged ‘Tamas’. It presented the horrors of the Partition. The play which carried the day was a comedy presented by the Nehru House. ‘Marriage of Moti Ram’ describes how an eager old man is befooled by a young girl in the name or marrying him. ‘Dowry’ staged by the Sarojini House was quite a boring play and needs no description. The judges adjudged ‘Marriage of Moti Ram’ the best play. Suresh who played Moti, who played Moti, was adjudged the best actor in the competition. The audience cheered the winners lustily.
Word – Notes:
Disasters – calamities, Head-on - collision - direct and straight collision, Derailed - went off the rails, Ghastly – terrible.

You are Ram/ Rama studying in Sun Public School, Agra. Every year your school celebrates the ‘World Reading Day’ that falls on 6th December. Write a report for sour school newsletter in 150- 200 words on how the day was celebrated in your school this year.

By Mandakini
New Delhi: 20th March 2019

TSun Public School celebrates the World Reading every year that falls on 5th December. The celebrations this year started with the Inauguration of an exhibition-cum-workshop. Dr R. Ramlingam, the noted educationist was the Chief - guest on a great occasion. Many leading publishers and booksellers displayed their books in the exhibition. Over and above the usual discounts, a special 10% discount was given to the students and teachers. The theme of the exhibition was ‘Books - Our lasting friends’. Dr Ramalingam praised the organizers for their grand show. He spoke on the necessity of developing a reading habit among students. Those students who had the maximum entries in the library were given commendation certificates
Word – Notes:
Daring= challenging, Daylight = in the peak hours of the day, Decamped = went away suddenly and secretly, Inmates = insiders, housemates.

Recently your school celebrated World Literacy Day and you arranged a program, 'Each One Teach One’. Write a report in 150- 200 words for your school magazine. You are Kumar / Kiran of New Public School, Delhi.

By Santosh
Jaipur, 20th May, 2019

New Public School, Delhi was in the news again. Recently it celebrated World Literacy Day. The theme of the function was ‘Each One Teach One’. Many scholars, academicians, and educationists were invited to grace the occasion. The function began with 'Saraswati Vandana'. The principal welcomed the guests. He highlighted the importance of the campaign 'Each One Teach One. Dr. Vidya Dhar Mishra, a noted educationist, was the Chief - Guest on the occasion. He urged all the students and teachers to adopt at least five villages. They should try to make them 100% literate. The speakers emphasized to step up the program of Adult Literacy. They hoped that within one decade no one will have the stigma of being illiterate.
Word Notes:
Theme - main idea, Academicians – educationists, Campaign - movement, Emphasized - stressed on, Stigma - mark of disgrace,