Footprints Without Feet

Topics Relating To Health / Children / Youth / Teenagers

In the year to come (if you have not already done this year), you are going to celebrate your 18th birthday. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'The Joys and Responsibilities of Being Eighteen'. You are Navtej / Navita.


Teenage is commonly perceived as the most joyful period of an individual's life. Vidya who represents the teenagers of today, feels that the pressure of the competitive world they has made teen years less exciting. She expresses her ideas in an article entitled "On Being Teenager' for the 'Youth Times'. Write her article in 150-200 words.

The Joys And Responsibilities Of Being Eighteen

Being eighteen is a stage of life when we have to cope with many changes in our life. It brings with it a feeling of elation. It gives one a feeling of having become an adult and thus having certain rights and freedoms. For example, as an adult we have the right to vote; we are free to take any independent decision of our life; we have the right to drive an auto in case we have the licence for that; and so on. It is as if we are out of a state of bondage, and have suddenly grown wings to fly the way we want to. But every freedom brings with it its own set of responsibilities also. The joys of being eighteen can lead one into trouble if they are divorced from the responsibilities of being eighteen. For example, in order to enjoy the freedom of driving an auto, we are bound with the responsibility to follow the rules of traffic. In order to enjoy the freedom of making our own independent choices, we have to take care that our choices don't land anyone else into trouble. And it is no simple thing to keep the joys and responsibilities of adulthood in perfect unison. It needs the wisdom and maturity of a sage. So we can say that being eighteen is an existing stage of one’s life. It is not a bed of roses and neither a bed of thorns.

Midday meal scheme in the schools introduced by the government serves several purposes. Millions of children from the deprived sections of society get nutritious food leading to good health, feel attracted to schools, are saved from going astray and thus grow into good citizens. The scheme may have some drawbacks too. Write an article in 190-200 words on all aspects of the scheme. You are Navtej / Navita.

Midday Meal Scheme In Schools

The Midday Meal (MDM) Scheme is a school meal programme of the Government of India. It was introduced on August 15, 1995, with the dual objective of encouraging children from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds to attend school regularly and helping improve the effectiveness of primary education by improving the nutritional status of primary school children. Initially, the scheme was implemented in 2408 blocks of the country and was meant for students of I to IV classes in government, government-aided and local body run schools. By 1997-98, the scheme was implemented across the country. Under this programme, a cooked midday meal with 300 calories and 12 grammes of protein is provided to all children enrolled in classes I to V. At present, around 12 crore children in over 12.5 lac schools of the country are benefiting from this scheme. This scheme has a number of potential benefits. It has attracted children from disadvantaged sections (especially girls, dalits, and adivasis) to school. It has improved the regularity of attendance and raised the nutritional standards as well. Though there have been occasional complaints regarding the quality of food served to the children, the overall positive benefits of the scheme can't be denied.

Morning assembly in the schools gives a cool and calm start to the otherwise hectic schedule of the day. It can also be a means of passing important information to the students. What are you views on this significant event of the day? Write an article in 150-200 words on 'The Importance of Morning Assembly. You are Navtej / Navita.

The Importance of Morning Assembly In Schools

Well-begun is half-done. The morning assembly is a powerful means to begin the day at school in a euphoric and ecstatic manner. Before the formal classroom teaching begins, students assemble in the school compound for the collective prayer. It lends a celestial aroma to the atmosphere when children with folded hands and closed eyes pray to the Almighty God in one sonorous and musical voice. It helps to inculcate moral and ethical values in the child's mind. The singing of the national anthem is also an integral part of the morning assembly in most schools. It fills in the child's heart deep feelings of nationalism and patriotism. The morning assembly can also be used for a variety of activities that can go a long way in the harmonious development of the child. A part of the time can be devoted to talks on general knowledge and current affairs. Students can be encouraged to showcase their talents and in the process, a spirit of self-confidence will develop in them. In short, the importance of morning assembly in schools can never be gainsaid. It is, in fact, the most important activity of the school, and that is why it is performed at the very start of the day.

You are ABC of Class XII. Write an article on the blind aping of Western Younger generation,

Aping The Western Culture

Today the British have left our country, and now we are a free nation. But sadly, the West still dominates our way of life and thinking. The younger generation apes everything that is typical of Western culture. They ape their fashions in dress, their music, their dances, and their habits of food. They are indifferent to their great cultural heritage. Their attitude to the age long customs and values is quite lukewarm. Some times they openly defy and make mockery of traditions, old ideas, and ideals. By doing so, they think they can give the impression of being modern. But to me, the fact is quite the opposite. By aping Western culture, they do nothing but give the impression of being thick-headed clowns. They have gone so crazy for the Western styles that they have forgotten all about their own culture and traditions. They don't know what Holi or Diwali are about, but they know all about Valentine's Day. They would hardly ever visit a temple, but they would never miss visiting a bar or coffee house. They prefer fast and junk foods to the fresh and pure foods cooked at home; "hellos" and "byes" have taken the place of respectful "namasteys." In the name of liberalism and modernism, all sense of shame and decency has been thrown to the wind. The younger generation must remember that the sun (the symbol of all light and knowledge) rises in the east and sets in the west.

You are Nandini / Navin. You have interviewed many students and their parents about the physical fitness of the school students. You are much concerned that students tend to neglect their physique, as they are obsessed with their school schedule. Write an article on the matter, giving suitable suggestions.

Poor Physical Fitness Of School Students

Poor physical fitness of school-going children is a matter of concern today. A number of students and their parents were interviewed to learn about it. A very sad fact came to light: long school hours and hectic studies are eating into the physical fitness of schoolchildren. It is a sad part of our education system that it gives little importance to building a good physique and fitness among the students. Our education system has put so much burden on the tiny souls that they hardly find any time to attend to their health. A look at the school bag of any student can tell the miserable state of their life. The syllabi are so large and the number of subjects to be studied are so many that the poor students remain confused and bewildered all the year round. Parents also place too much emphasis on the academic performance of their children. In order to make the child do well in his or her studies, they put him or her under extra tutors after the school hours. Thus the poor child is left with no time to play or to breathe the air of freedom. From early morning till the time of going to bed, the poor child remains burdened with books and notebooks. Thus, it is nothing strange that the child's health suffers miserably. The remedy clearly lies in removing the causes. The syllabus should be rationalized, and physical fitness should find a place in the overall assessment of a child's performance at school.

You are Malik 1 Manju. You are much concerned about the entrance examinations organised for professional courses by different organizations. Write an article on this issue, highlighting the need to have one common entrance examination for the professional courses.

The Demon Of Entrance Examinations

After the students have finished their schooling, most of them choose to go in for one professional course or the other. For this, they have to face entrance tests as almost all organizations organise such tests for these professional courses. But there is no centralised institution or organisation to hold the entrance test for any professional course. These tests are held by a myriad of boards, institutions and organisations independently of each other. They have their own syllabi, examination system and marking system. They charge very heavy amounts as the cost of their prospectus-cum-application forms and examination fees. In their anxiety to get a seat anywhere in the country, many students apply for as many different places as possible. All this entails a lot of financial burden and mental strain on the poor students. They have also to travel long distances from their homes to take the various entrance tests for the same course. They have to make their own arrangements for board and lodging, and in the case of girls their parents, too, have to go with them. All this amounts to unnecessary wastage of time, energy and money. Thus there is an urgent need that one common entrance examination should be held for each professional course.

You are Malik / Manju. You have interviewed many school students and their parerents regarding the hectic schedule of academics. You are much concerned about the neglect of training and co-curricular activities. Write an article to be published in a magazine on this issue.

Neglect Of Sports And Co-curricular Activities

A number of students and their parents were interviewed to know about the hectic schedule of academics in schools. A very sad fact came to light that students were kept confined in their classes almost all the time and no time was given to co-curricular activities. There was a total neglect of training in sports. All this was adversely affecting the physical fitness of the students and they remained in a state of tension all the time. It was found that the real culprits for this neglect are the parents as well as the educational authorities. A look at the school bag of any student is an ample evidence of the miserable state of these tiny souls. The syllabi are so heavy and the number of subjects to be studied are so many that the poor souls remain confused and bewildered all the year round. Parents, too, are no less guilty. They lay too much emphasis on the academic performance of their children. In order to make the child do well in his or her studies, they put him or her under extra tutors after the school hours. Many schools also force the students to attend extra classes in the morning and in the evening. Thus the poor child is left with no time to play or to breathe an air of freedom. From early morning till the time of going to bed, the helpless souls remain burdened with books and notebooks. Thus, it is nothing strange that most school-going children are far from being physically fit. The remedy clearly lies in removing the causes. The syllabi should be rationalized and co-curricular activities should be given as much importance as curricular activities. It must be realized that for an all-round development of the individual, games and sports are as important as the study of books. ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’

You are Malik / Manju. You have interviewed many school students studying in classes XI and XII and their parents, about what courses the students would like to pursue after class XII. Many students seem to be pressurised into pursuing professional courses. You feel the students should be allowed to choose courses to suit their own aptitude and liking. Write an article on this issue, expressing your opinion and giving suitable suggestions.

The Craze For Professional Courses

A comprehensive survey was made to know the reason of the craze for professional courses these days. A number of students of classes XI and XII and their parents were interviewed. The survey revealed that it is not the students who are crazy for these courses. It is the parents who want their children to pursue these courses. They pressurize their children to pursue a professional course without considering whether the child has any liking or aptitude for it or not. They pay heavy donations and capitation fees to secure a seat for the child. The child has to undergo the trauma of entrance test and then a long period of stay away from home. Many a time, such children fail to clear their course of study and become dropouts. So, no child should be forced to pursue a course for which he or she has no liking or aptitude. Students should be free to choose courses to suit their own liking and aptitude. Professional courses are very limited in number. They are very hard and expensive. On the other hand, there are numberless other courses that can be pursued without having to go for any entrance test. There are no big fees also. Our success in life doesn't depend on the course we've pursued, but on the right choice of the occupation. This choice has to be made keeping in view our tastes and other factors. In any case, she child must be left free to make his or her own choice.

You are Gopal I Gopika, a social worker. You have observed that young boys and girls go on adding to their academic qualifications aimlessly. Most of them fail to get any employment and thus create the problem of educated unemployed. Some of them drift into antisocial activities. Write an article in 150-200 words on how this problem of the educated unemployed can be solved.

The Problem Of Educated Unemployed

The problem of educated unemployed is matter of concern today. Lacs of literates, graduates and postgraduates are produced every year. These young men and women look for jobs after completing their studies. But when they are unable to find any good job, they become restless. They feel that all their time and money spent on education has gone waste. They lose all hope of having a good life and grow desperate. Such a state leads them astray. It is nothing strange that these young men and women take to many antisocial activities. The only way to overcome this state is to vocationalise our education. Every student must be taught some useful manual vocation. It will not only inculcate in him a sense of labour but also enable him to earn his living. He will then not run after government jobs. He will be able to set up his own small workshop. The vocation that he has been taught at his school or college can thus stand him in good stead. Vocational training can help to channelise the energy of our youth. Suitable vocational courses should be started at all levels of education. After the completion courses, students should be encouraged and guided to set up their own units. They will not indulge in destructive and antisocial activities.

9. National Cadet Corps is an organization which not only inculcates discipline in the youth, but also prepares them for the defence of the country. It also provides an opportunity to the students to participate in various other activities such as adventure, culture, etc. Write an article in 150-200 words on the need to make N.C.C. compulsory in all schools in the country.

The Need Of Making N.C.C. Compulsory In All Schools

Today we can see a general fall of moral values in our society. Indiscipline and disorder in all public departments and organisations has become the order of the day. We can fight this evil only by educating and disciplining the future citizens of our country. And there can be no better way to do so than by making N.C.C. (National Cadet Corps) compulsory in all schools of our country. N.C.C., established in 1948, is designed to stimulate the interest of the youth in the defence of the country. It inculcates among the youth the qualities of discipline, obedience, service, honesty and integrity. It also makes arrangements for cultural as well as adventure activities. Thus students become rooted in their culture and also become brave and self-disciplined. If we have a generation trained and disciplined in this manner, India can once again become the most-honoured land in the world. Therefore, it is the need of the hour that N.C.C. should be made compulsory in all the schools as well as colleges of the country. Apart from strengthening the defence of the country, it will also make the country spiritually rich and materially strong.

12. Advertisements have become a big business. They are promoted by celebrities drawn from various fields like films, sports, etc., leaving their influence on all people, especially the young. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'The impact of advertisements on the younger generation'.

The Impact Of Advertisements On The Younger Generation

All business houses go for advertisements to boost their business. Nowadays, a different form of advertisement has come in vogue. Big business houses engage celebrities from various fields like films sports, etc. to promote their business. Thus they can cash in on the fan following of these celebrities to popularize their product. It also helps to add glamor to the business of advertising and has a greater impact than other forms of advertisement. The younger generation, in particular, gets influenced instantly and to an amazing degree. Trends and fashions get changed overnight. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it. Businessmen have every right to boost their sales through any form of advertisement they like. The only important thing is that they should not make false claims about the quality of their product and fool the people. And the young people should also see to it that they don't get swayed merely by the advertisements. They should consider patiently and judiciously whether the thing is really worth going in for and only then decide to buy it. They must learn to combine trendiness with utility instead of being caught in useless facts.

13. The present-day youth are greatly stressed due to cut-throat competition and consumerist culture. Write an article in 150-200 words on the causes of the stress on the modern generation, suggesting suitable solutions.

Causes Of Stress On The Modern Generation

The present-day youth have to undergo intolerable stress and strain. There are many factors that contribute to this stress. The chief among these is the cut-throat competition in every field of life and the consumerist culture. Take any field - education, industry, business, employment - there is a terrible competition everywhere. People adopt all sorts of fair and foul ways to excel and outsmart others. In the rat race for money and material things, all morality is thrown to the winds. All this leaves no peace for the mind and no rest for the body. All time is struggle time, full of stress and strain. Even parents contribute to the aggravation of this stress. They put too big demands on their children. They set for the poor child their own aims. They want him to be a doctor or an engineer or an 1.A.S. officer. They don't take into consideration the actual tastes and capabilities of the child. And then they want the child to excel their peers in all subjects. The syllabus-framers, the textbook-writers and even the paper-setters are Irrational. They never take into account the mental level of the child. Instead of concentrating on what child knows, their main concern is to display their own erudition. All this has a very adverse effect on the child's mental health. The only remedy lies in avoiding the causes that build up so much stress and Strain in our life.

14. India is standing at the threshold of joining the developed nations but that is not possible till we have complete literacy in the country. The contribution of students may be very significant in achieving our goals. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'The Role of Students in Removing Illiteracy’

The Role Of Students In Removing Illiteracy

India is very close to joining the category of the developed nations of the world. A lot has been done since independence but a lot still remains to be done. There must not be a single illiterate person in the country before we can call ourselves a developed nation. There is still large-scale illiteracy in the country. We can't think of any real progress until this illiteracy is eliminated. And students can play a significant role in achieving this goal. Those who are lucky enough to be educated in good schools and colleges, have a duty towards our less fortunate brothers and sisters. They must volunteer themselves for this noble cause so that they can lend a hand in finishing the bane of illiteracy from our country. It will not take much of their time - only a couple of hours a week. Helping someone become literate is like giving him a new life. 'Each one, Teach one should be the motto of every educated youth.

15. Corruption has become the order of the day. It has entered all walks of life. Write an article for your school magazine in 150-200 words on "The Role of Youth in Combating Corruption”. You are Vijay / Vineeta.

The Role Of Youth In Combating Corruption

Corruption is such a terrible disease that is prevalent in almost the whole country. No part or the corner of the country is unaffected by this disease. It has eaten into the vitals of Indian society. There is no public department where the evil of corruption has not spread its tentacles. India has come to be regarded as on most corrupt nations of the world. Every other day, we hear of scams running into millions and bill of rupees. People seem to have accepted corruption as a normal part of life. It is only the youth of the country who can rid the country of this scourge. The older generation has come to regard it as an evil that has no remedy. But the youth have an endless store of energy. If they adopt an attitude of zero tolerance towards corruption, it won't be long when India will again become the land of truth, virtue and honesty. After all, future belongs to the youth, and the youth can transform the future any way they like. If they are truly determined to combat the evil of corruption, if they truly resolve to be fair and honest in their own dealings and if they have the grit to stand up against any corrupt practice that comes to their notice, there can be no reason why this evil can't be uprooted. The youth are by nature valiant, energetic, truth-loving and intolerant of injustice. They can prove the most potent force against corruption. In fact, each youth has hundreds of Anna Hazares in him or her. The only need is awaken that dormant volcano!

16. Write an article in 150-200 words for your school magazine on the topic, "Obesity Schoolchildren'. You are Mohini / Mohit.

Obesity Among Schoolchildren

Obesity among schoolchildren has become very common these days. In our neighbourhood we can see a number of school-going children who are suffering from obesity. They are becoming more and more lazy and disease prone. Most of the causes are of our own doing. It is confirmed by a recent survey made on the preferences/ habits and their effects on school-going children. Very few of the children walk to their school. And hardly any school-going child goes to play outdoor games. They spend their leisure time in Internet surfing and chatting or at video games. Any physical activity seems to them to be a sort of trouble, with the result that they are becoming lazy as well as obese. Our body becomes prone to a number of diseases, if we do only sedentary activities. We fall prey to obesity, heart troubles and many other diseases. Another contributory factor is related to food preferences. Most children run after fast and junk foods that have hardly any food value. They are even harmful for health because they are prepared in a very hasty and slipshod manner. Their next preference is cold drinks and ice creams which again are not very good for our health. So children must develop healthy habits of food so as to remain free from the risk of obesity which is the root cause of several diseases.