Footprints Without Feet

Explanation of the lesson

1. A number of festivals are celebrated in different parts of India in a variety of ways. Write an article in not more than 120 words on 'India-A Country of Festivals'.

Ans. India A Country of Festivals India is a country of festivals. They are the soul and heart of our country. Our country has rich traditions and cultural heritage, and our festivals reflect this richness. These festivals are national, social, cultural and religious in character. In national festivals, we remember our leaders, reformers, and great men- the architects of our country who reformed and contributed to the richness of our heritage. In religious festivals, we celebrate the birth anniversaries of the Gurus, Saints, and great seers. We also celebrate Durga Puja, Diwali, Holi, Dussehra, Eid, etc. In social festivals, we celebrate change in seasons, and harvesting the crops, e.g., Basant Panchmi, Vaisakhi, etc. In cultural festivals, we glorify dance, music and the arts. During the celebrations of all these festivals, our great national character comes out. We unite irrespective of caste, creed or color. These festivals are important for us in many ways. They provide us with a healthy and important diversion from the monotonous routine of life. We forget the worries and fears of our dull life and relax, and enjoy celebrations along with our friends and relatives. It rejuvenates us.

2. Write an article on 'The Advantages of CCE' in about 100-120 words. - concern about the effectiveness of the new system, learn through a - No boards and no stress.

Ans. The Advantages of CCE School going children today are a happy lot, thanks to the new curriculum based on the CCE. This system, introduced by the CBSE has taken away the burden of studies from children, teachers as well as the parents. CCE, or the 'Continuous, Comprehensive Evaluation’ is based on evaluating a child's abilities in all spheres on a continuous basis till he / she reaches class X. Weightage is thus given to 'activity based learning' and the child's ability to understand concepts through activities. From class 1, a child is continuously evaluated concerning various aspects till he/ she reaches class X. At the end of class X, he / she is assessed based on his/ her performance throughout his/ her academics. This system is advantageous as it helps a child live a stress-free life. Earlier, the examination system kept the child teacher as well as parents under tremendous pressure. Now, they no more need to be stressful. Also, a child's other skills are also brought to recognition, for CCE also gives recognition to a child's skill in art, craft, sport, creativity etc., equal to book-based learning. So, if a child is not good at studies, he can excel in what he is comfortable at, say any other skill.

3. You are Maria. Write an article on the advantages of tree plantation in about 100-120 words. - trees keep environment cool, check direct sunlight, provide shade, bring rain.

Ans. Trees are important for us to survive on earth. Much has been said about how trees contribute for ecological balance and thriving of other living beings on earth. If there are no trees, there will be no animals or humans who depend on them. Trees and other living beings are a part of earth's environment and each complements the other, for sure. Trees keep the environment cool. If there are no trees, the earth will be scorched by the heat of the sun. Trees keep away from the direct sunlight as they give us shade. They help us maintain the ozone layer in the absence of which harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun could reach to us. Another important aspect of trees is that they bring rain, provide fresh water for living beings and check soil erosion. Trees bring us rain and rain is essential for growing trees. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from us and give us pure, clean oxygen to breathe. Thus, we can understand that the entire ecological cycle is maintained by the presence of trees.

4. Prices of food articles are increasing day by day and there is a wide gap between the wholesale prices and retail prices. Common man is suffering. The government is trying to control the prices. Write an article in 100-120 words on 'Rising Prices' and give suggestions on how to control them. You may use the hints given below: Hints (40 per cent below poverty line, incomes of lower middle class very low, prices of food articles risen high, difficult to make both ends meet; steps taken by the government; causes of rising prices; your suggestions).

Ans. Rising Prices What we can find as a major road block for our country's economic progress is the rising prices. Almost every consumer-oriented commodity like food articles is now high in cost. The essential goods that we need for our day-to-day survival are increasing in price every week/ month. Milk, fruits vegetables, groceries and grains which we need every day are so high in price that there is no question of buying or even thinking of buying more of the goods. There is a wide gap in the prices between the wholesale and the retail market. Indeed, the fact is that neither the producer, nor the consumer benefits in the end, thanks to the middle men whose business is thriving. In such a condition, we find it difficult to make both ends meet. The income of lower middle class is very low to meet the minimum expenses of the family. If this is so, then the condition of the poor is still pathetic. With 40 % of people in our country below poverty line, we can say that almost half the population remains hungry for most part of the day. In spite of the government subsidies to farmers, poverty still prevails and the prices of food articles remain high. The government should take a middle course wherein both the producer and the consumer benefit, while the middle men should not be the sole beneficiaries.

5. Midday meal program of the government started with the noble objective of encouraging children to come to school and improve their nutritional status. But reports of the recent death of 23 children in Bihar and other incidents of negligence in cooking the midday meal has produced an alarming effect on the minds of the parents. You are Akshit / Akshita, Head Boy / Head Girl of your school. Write an article, in 100-120 words, on the topic – “Midday Meal Scheme - How to Improve It? "

Ans. Midday Meal Scheme - How to Improve It? Most of the poor children going to school today have an attraction in school besides free education. Yes, the midday meal provided in the school is a great stride taken by our government to implement its "Education to All" Act. Since the poor people could not afford education to their children, not to say of providing foods, the government had aptly combined both the advantages to the poor. The mid day meal scheme is gaining great success in many states in India. At the same time, it is also contributing to the rise in literacy rate among the poor. The availability of food at least once in a day has made the poor parents send their children happily to school. Also the meal provided is so planned as to give minimum daily required nutrition, thus improving the health of these poor children. But recent reports about the death of children in a Bihar school after consuming the midday meal has proved to be a big setback in the government's effort. It has proved to be a deterrent as the incident and many other similar shocks, across the country have risen fear and doubts among us about the safety of the midday meal. Even the parents have started thinking twice before sending their children to school to avoid the free meal. The incidents show the negligence on the part of the schools and those involved in preparing the meal. Providing roof in the kitchen, preparing and storing food in well cleaned vessels and keeping the surroundings clean should be focused upon.

6. You are Rishika. Write an article on the topic ‘Cleanliness is Godliness' in about 100-120 words. - hygiene important, health - is - wealth, enhances personality.

Ans. Cleanliness is Godliness If we keep ourselves and our surroundings clean, then we pave the way for good health, and that is the biggest asset of our life, for health is our wealth. It is not enough if we practice personal hygiene while we keep our surroundings unclean. Most of us are careful about how neatly and cleanly we present ourselves when we come out of our homes. But very few of us bother about how we keep our surroundings clean. Very often we don't mind eating snacks as we talk and throwing the wrapper anywhere. Many people don't mind spitting on the corners or walls of buildings, some people clean their houses and throw garbage outside-near or around their houses. We don't feel ashamed of keeping the public places untidy, that only shows our callous attitude towards our society. The places of public usage like the parks, beaches, bus and train stations stink with the garbage we throw around. It is therefore imperative that not only personal hygiene but also public hygiene is very important. Just as we improve our personality through personal hygiene let us improve our surroundings and keep them clean. Let us build a healthy nation and contribute to its progress.

7. Write an article on 'Junk food-enemy of health' in about 100-120 words. -increase obesity- hazardous for health - loss of energy and stamina.

Ans. Junk Food - Enemy of Health How many of us prefer a cola over a glass of juice? We can say almost every one of us. We feel happy whenever we find a chance of grabbing a plateful of our favorite junk food from eating outlets. A nicely decorated cheeze pizza always tingles our taste buds, than a home-made chapatti or parantha stuffed with vegetables. Junk foods have almost conquered our taste buds. Roasted plain nuts do not find a place in our evening snacks any more. Instead there are the pasta, masala noodles or wafers which we munch even if we are very hungry and even if it is time for our lunch. In fact we never say no to such snacks at any time of the day. Now, the stark truth is that these foods are based on refined flour which makes our digestion slow. The wafers or crackers have high salt content and the chemical 'Monosoduim Glutomate' salt in them which, the doctors point out affect brain growth in children. Too much of junk food also leads to obesity and other complications like blood pressure, diabetes, heart blockage even among adolescents. These foods may fill our stomach but at the same time take away the nutrients in our body hindering the normal functioning of our body. Thus, we lose our energy and stamina in the long run.

8. Climate throughout the world is changing. It has already disturbed weather patterns by increasing rainfall in some areas and decreasing it in others. The temperature is increasing day by day. It results in frequent hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, tsunamis, etc. Write an article in about 100-120 words for your school magazine on the topic 'Global Warming-A Threat to the Life’

Ans. Global Warming - A Threat to The Life Climate all around the world has seen drastic changes in the recent years. The reason? 'Global warming'. In other words, the entire earth is getting heated up with the sun's heat penetrating into the earth's atmosphere. The Ozone layer is fast depleting and we cannot escape the harmful Ultraviolet rays of the sun. This change in the atmosphere has caused drastic changes in the natural weather conditions all over the world. Some areas are seeing increase in rainfall, while those which have been getting little rainfall face the threat of a drought. Some reasons for global warming may be identified. Industries and household items like refrigerators and airconditioners release harmful gases like Chlorofluro Carbon (CFCs) into the atmosphere and these gases have made a hole in the protective Ozone layer. And then there is the depletion of forest resources. With deforestation, the earth's heat has increased, for trees keep it cool. Increase in temperature and cutting of trees have led to floods. Added to these are the hurricanes and tornadoes which again are the result of climatic changes across the world. All these contribute to global warming which again is a threat to all living beings on earth.

9. Traffic jams, accidents and rash driving are a common sight in metro cities. You are Aryan/Aanchal, captain of Tagore House of your school. Write an article on “Traffic Jam” highlighting the hectic life of modern society, increase in the number of vehicles modernization leading to a rise in demand for vehicles, the cause of accidents and steps to control them.

Ans. Traffic Jam Life has become too monotonous amid modernisation. People are always on the run, after money or material comforts. Status symbols have taken the lead in our society. One such is the owning of vehicles. Despite their convenience, their hindrances are many. How many of us prefer using a vehicle over 'walking’ ' to our destination. Every one of us wants to own a vehicle. We take pride in owning it without bothering about how it brings chaos on the road. The increased number of vehicular traffic is leading to traffic jams and rash driving. Two wheeler owners don't mind pushing the pedestrians to the edges of the road to gain space for their movement. Even riding on pavements has become a common sight. This leaves no place for walkers. Today's youngsters, even children at the age of 12, feel that riding a bike / scooty would give them a hero's status. Being still a learner at school, how is it possible for them to learn the traffic rules? Their parents show their status when they get the vehicle for their child. These kids are so energetic that they feel if they go at high speed, they are brave! Most of such kids, however, endup in accidents-either hitting poor passersby or being hit by any other vehicle. We the people, including the parents, should consider all these aspects and devise methods such as walking, using public transport and car pooling as healthy alternatives to personal vehicles.

10. Environmental pollution threatens our existence. The number of cars, motor-bikes and other vehicles have been increasing day-by-day. They, along with industrial development, are causing a lot of air pollution, not only in big cities but also in small towns. You are Prerna/ Puneet. Write an article, in 100-120 words, on 'Air Pollution', highlighting its causes and effects.

Ans. Air Pollution Much has been discussed all over the world about the ill effects of pollution, but very little has been done to control them. Air pollution is the worst of pollution as it is the biggest threat to living beings as well as the earth. Air pollution results in polluting the air we breathe, our entire atmosphere and also leads to global warming. Industries and vehicles cause much of our pollution. With modernization and industrialisation, our life is put in danger, thanks to air pollution. Now industries are coming up even in small towns. Once it was believed that small towns were ideal living places for city dwellers to have clean air. But things have changed. The number of motor driven vehicles have increased, so has air pollution. Smoke from the vehicles, households and industries-mix with the clean air in the atmosphere. Thus, we have oxygen to breathe. This again causes diseases of lungs. The condition of asthmatic people worsens if they breathe such, air. Planting more trees which release oxygen in the atmosphere is one solution to escape air pollution.