Footprints Without Feet

1. You are Amrit / Anita of the Sigma Youth Organization. You witnessed the ghastly accident of the Punjab Mail at Bhusaval. Write a report in about 150 - 200 words, of the disaster for your organization's newsletter.

By Anita
Bhusaval: 10th May 2019

Deaths and disasters come uninvited. There is no time - table for them. It was a fine day. A ghastly rain accident took place yesterday at about 8 pm. when I was at Bhusaval Railway Station. I went there to see my friend Mohit. A goods train had just left the station. The Rajdhani Express was coming from the opposite direction. We were waiting for it at platform no. 1. Suddenly we heard a deafening sound of a collision. Both the trains had a head - on collision. They were on the same track. Four boggies got derailed. It was a ghastly accident. There was a great loss. There were only cries. Men, women, and children were crying in pain. About twenty people were killed and more than fifty people were injured in the accident. Some dead bodies could be seen lying over the rails. I phoned, the volunteers of Sigma Youth Organization. They were on the site with first aid boxes, doctors and medicines. The wounded were admitted to the General Hospital, Bhusaval. Five people, including two children, lost their lives. Word – Notes:

Disasters – calamities, Head-on - collision - direct and straight collision, Derailed - went off the rails, Ghastly – terrible.

2. You are Juhini/Madan, a staff reporter of The Times of India. You have been asked to cover the incident of a daylight robbery when the inmates were present in a house in the outskirts of Delhi. Write a report in about 150-200 words.

By Mandakini
New Delhi: 20th March 2019

There was a time when Delhi used to be a safe city and people led a peaceful life. But today time has changed. Now it is no more a safe city once it used to be. Daylight robberies have become a part and parcel of the city. Only yesterday, a daring daylight robbery took place at about 11.30am. Two robbers broke open a side door and entered the house. They wee covered with black cloth. They had pistols in their hands. They asked the inmates for the keys of the cupboards and boxes. Women and children became dumb with fear. The robbers finished their job within minutes. They decamped with all the jewellry and cash. Before running away they locked the inmates in a room. The neighbours rushed to help them only when they heard their cries. As usual, the police came an hour late. The people seem to have lost their faith in the police.

Word – Notes: Daring= challenging, Daylight = in the peak hours of the day, Decamped = went away suddenly and secretly, Inmates = insiders, housemates.

3. You have witnessed a clash between a group of college students and State Transport bus crew, which finally ended up in stoning the buses and the bus crew calling for a flash strike. You are Santosh / Seema a reporter for The Hindustan Times'. Write a report in 150-200 words about the incident.

By Santosh
Jaipur, 20th May, 2019

There was a pitched battle between the college students and the crew of the state transport buses yesterday. It all started with the beating of a college student by an unruly bus conductor. Within no time hundreds of students gathered on the road. There arose a clash which finally ended in a pitched battle between the warring groups. The students resorted to stone-throwing. They even attempted to set two state transport buses to blaze but the police failed the attempt. Ten bus drivers and conductors received minor injuries. But the crew didn't take things lying down. They held an emergency meeting to give a befitting reply to the students. They at once called for a flash strike. The situation is now under control but tense.

Word – Notes: Pitched = hand - in - hand, Unruly = uncontrolled, Warring groups = battling groups, Befitting = proper, suitable, proper, correct

4. You have witnessed a major clash between two political parties near your house in Aligarh. Prepare a report in 150 - 200 words to be published in the National Herald, Lucknow. Sign as Rohit / Ramola.

By Rohit
Aligarh, 20th March, 2019.

Clashes have become very common in big cities. This time Aligarh has earned rare notoriety for communal riots. But this time it was not a clash between Hindus and Muslims. It was a clash between two leading political parties near the Clock Tower. This place is quite near to my house. The workers of the Samajwadi Party were holding a public meeting. They had assembled at the Clock Tower in the afternoon. The workers of B. S. P. had declared to observe the day as the Black Day. Unfortunately, the district administration made no efforts to avoid the clash. The BSP workers marched through the main streets shouting slogans against Mulayam Singh Yadav. When they came near the Clock Tower, the D.P. workers engaged themselves in a pitched battle. There was free for all for half an hour. They even threw stones n each other. The police came only when the clash had taken a toll of two human lives. The police had to resort to lathi-charge and bursting of tear gas. At last, the police took preventive measures and arrested four persons. During the violence, the workers of BSP torched a mini-bus near Gandhi Chowk. Till the filing of this report, the situations in that area were very critical.

5. Write a report on the widespread damage to public property and the loss of human lives during a communal riot in your area.


I live in a lane near the Turkman Gate in the walled city. Generally, people are friendly to one another. But sometimes just a rumor can lead to a communal riot. Last Sunday an ordinary incident provided such an excuse. A known bad character Anil passed some indecent comments on a young woman named Zeenat. This led to a violent protest from the members of the other community. Sensible and responsible members of both the communities condemned the incident. But the mischief - mongers soon dominated the scene. The area became a battleground between the members of two communities. There was free use of bricks, bottles, missiles, and firearms from both sides. About 50 shops were put to flames. Stabbing and firing incidents took away the lives of two innocent people. During the violence, some anti-social elements started throwing stones in which to small children lost their lives. Only the flag march of the army could put down the riot.

Word – Notes:
Riot = (here) communal clash, Indecent = vulgar, Condemned = censured, Mischief - mongers - anti-social

6. You are Usha / Umesh. As the president of a voluntary organization, you have visited slum area in your city destroyed in a massive fire. Write a report on the tragic situation of these homeless people to be published in a magazine. Word limit: 150 - 200 words.

By Usha

Jallandhar, 20th March 2019. The massive fire in Inderpuri, a slum area in the city, proved to be a complete disaster. The area is inhabited mostly by the weaker sections. There are many junk - shops, godowns of used plastic goods, newspapers and clothes. Being the President of Citizens' Club, a voluntary organization, I went door to door to look after the relief - work. The area presented a picture of living hell. Most of the huts were burnt down to ashes. Thousands of people were rendered shelterless. The chilly wintry nights only added to their woes. A stop-gap arrangement was made for the victims in Nehru Public School. Voluntary organizations did a commendable job. Blankets, medicines, and food were distributed to the affected people. But the situation of the homeless and helpless people is still too tragic for words. Only prompt and adequate relief measures taken by the concerned authorities can ease the situation.

Word – Notes: Massive = (here) huge, huge, Disaster = (here) destruction, Stopgap = temporary, Commendable = praiseworthy,

7. As the staff reporter of the Hindu (daily newspaper) who witnessed a fire accident in the Central Market, Bangalore, write a report in not more than 200 words for publication in the paper.

by Rao
Bangalore, 20th April 2019

It was a windy evening. A huge cloud of smoke was seen rising from the left corner of the Central Market. The Central Market has a number of shops and godowns of plastic goods. The fire - brigade was given an urgent call. Soon a devastating fire engulfed the whole area. People were pouring buckets of water on the flames. They were struggling hard to put out the fire. A strong wind only worsened the situation. By the time the fire - brigade reached, almost fifty shops were in flames. The firemen did a wonderful job. The fire was completely put out in two hours. A fireman Roop Lal won the hearts of everybody. He plunged into the inferno and came out with a young lady on his shoulders. A life was saved. The loss of property, though mind-boggling, couldn't be assessed so soon.

Word – Notes:
Devastating - that causes ruin, Engulfed - to take under effect, Hearts - hearty praise, Plunged - completely put into, Inferno – (here) in the burning building, Mind-boggling - to haunt the mind, Assessed - calculated

8. Imagine yourself a reporter of New Age, New Delhi. Write a report on the running over of two young school children by a Blue Line bus in South Delhi.

A report by Nikhil
New Delhi, 16th August 2019

Blue Line buses have earned the notoriety for being the mobile killers. Yesterday, the nation was celebrating the Independence Day. Many school children participated in the celebrations. Some students of Janki Dasrubine School were returning home on their bikes. A Blue Line bus no. DLP 3469, came from behind. The rash and reckless driver lost his control over the bus. The bus sped away leaving two children crushed to death. There was a pool of blood on the road. It presented a heart-rending and tragic sight. The children were rushed to Safdar Jung Hospital but were declared dead. So the callous and criminal negligence of a blue line bus took two more innocent lives in Delhi. One wonders how long the government of Delhi will continue to remain a mute spectator any more.

Word – Notes:
Notoriety - a bad name, Unsuspecting - simple-minded, Heart-rending - heart tearing, heart touching, Tragic sight - Pathetic scene, Callous - cruel, Mute - silent, Spectator - visitor, audience.

9. You are an eye - witness to a road accident resulting in loss of human life and property. As a press - reporter of National Herald. Write a report in about 150-200 words.

A report by Sonu
Lucknow: 20th March 2019
Lucknow is no more a safe city. Road accidents have become a regular feature of the city's life. A horrible accident took away two innocent lives yesterday. A school bus collided with an oil tanker coming from the opposite direction. The driver of the bus lost control of the speeding bus. The driver of the tanker tried to take a sharp turn but failed to save the situation. There was a head-on collision. The school bus was toppled over. The oil tanker caught fire. Most of the children were saved. But the bus - conductor and a schoolboy died on the spot. Ten students received minor injuries. The fire - brigade arrived within ten minutes and put out the fire.

Word – Notes:
Horrible - terrible, collided - dashed, Head-on collision - face to face dashing, Toppled overturned upside down.

10. You have witnessed a train accident where the Delhi - bound Goa Express derailed. Write a report in 150 - 200 words to be published in Naveen Times, Goa. You are Jyothi / Joshua of Goa.

A report by Sonu

20th March 2019
Railway accidents have become quite frequent these days. The yesterday's derailment of Delhi - bound Goa Express near Luanda Junction adds one more to the blacklist. The derailment was caused due to some human error. The Delhi - bound Goa Express reached the outer - signal of Launda Junction. Some human error on the part of the signal-man caused the derailment. Two boggies got derailed. Within minutes the railway staff and the Railway Protection Police Force reached the site. Many villagers brought food and water for the passengers. Trapped passengers were dragged out to safety. Fortunately, there was no loss of human life. About 50 passengers received minor injuries. Some of them were taken to the nearest hospital for treatment.

Word – Notes:
Frequent - regular, Derailment - running off the rails, Trapped - jammed, stranded, Dragged out - pulled out, thrown out.