The Proposal

The Proposal
1. Why did Lomov visit Chubukov? What did Chubukov suspect?
Ans. Lomov was the neighbour of Chubukov. He was an eligible bachelor and wanted to marry Natalya, the daughter of Chubukov. He came to Chubukov's house to propose Natalya. Chubukov suspected that Lomov had come to borrow money from him.

2. How did Chubukov react on hearing Lomov's motive?
Ans. When Chubukov came to know that Lomov wanted to marry his daughter, Natalya, he was very happy and excited. He told Lemov that he had been hoping for it for a long time. He told him that he always considered him his son. He lost his balance with joy.

3. How does Lomov think for himself when he is alone in the drawing room of Chubukov?
Ans. Lomov is too excited. He is waiting for Natalya to come down and accept his proposal. He thinks that Natalya is an excellent housekeeper, not bad looking and well-educated. He rates himself on a lower scale. He suffers from palpitations. He has sleeping disorder. He jumps like a lunatic. He is excitable and always getting awfully upset.

4. What does Lomov tell Natalya about the past relationship between his family and her family?
Ans. In order to impress Natalya, Lomov tells her that he knows her family since his childhood. His grandparents had a lot of respect for her family. The Lomovs and the Chubukovs always had the most affectionate relationships. He further told her that his Oxen Meadows touch her birchwoods.

5. How did the mention of Oxen Meadows lead to a quarrel between Natalya and Lomov?
Ans. During the conversation Lomov said that “My Oxen Meadows touch your birchwood." This statement led to the argument. Natalya did not accept his claim over the Meadows as her family had been working on them since a long period of time. Lomov supported his claim over them by documentary evidence. He told that he was the real owner of the meadows.

6. Why did Lomov call Chubukov 'a grabber'?
Ans. Lomov and Chubukov had an argument over the ownership of Oxen Meadows. There was heated argument among Lomov, Natalya and Chubukov. Lomov lost his control and starts shouting. Chubukov asks him to be polite as he was double of his age. At this Lomov is furiated and calls him a grabber.

7. Why does Chubukov call Lomov 'a pettifogger'?
Ans. Lomov tried to convince Natalya that Oxen Meadows belonged to his family. He had documentary evidence. Natalya does not agree and reiterates that Meadows belongs to her and she will never give them up. At this Lomov threatens that he would go to the court. At this Chubukov calls him a pettifogger who is just on the look out for a chance to go to court.

8. How does Natalya react when she comes to know that Lomov has come to make a proposal?
Ans. When Lomov was about to leave Natalya's house in anger, Chubukov calls him a blind hen who has come to make a proposal. Natalya asked her father what proposal he was talking about. When she comes to know about reality she starts crying. She falls over the armchair and wails. She asks her father to bring Lomov back as she was about to die.

9. Why did Natalya become soft for Lomov?
Ans. When Natalya comes to know that Lomov wanted to marry her and had come to propose to her, there was a sudden change in her attitude. She became soft for him. She regretted her behaviour and said that the Meadows belonged to Lomov only. She was also interested in marrying Lomov and didn't want to lose him.

10. What do Lomov and Natalya talk about in their second meeting?
Ans. After the episode of fight over the ownership of the Oxen Meadows, Natalya and Lomov start their arguments about their dogs. Lomov tells her how his dog had gone lame. He tells that his dog Guess was the best and cost him 125 roubles. Natalya tells Lomov that he paid too much for Guess as her dog Squeezer cost her only 85 roubles. She claims that her Squeezer was better than his Guess. This again led to a fight between them.

11. What does Chubukov point out about the Guess, dog of Lomov?
Ans. Lomov has a dog named Guess. He says that his dog is superior to Natalya's dog. Chubukov points out that Guess is no doubt the pure breed and a good dog but had two defects. It has become old and it is short in the muzzle. This again creates a fight between Natalya and Lomov.

12. Why does Chubukov say "What a weight off my shoulders," in the end of the play?
Ans. Chubukov had a daughter Natalya of marriageable age. He wanted her to get married to Lomov. Lomov also wanted to marry Natalya. But due to one or another reason he could not propose her. Finally Chubukov incites them to get married. Then, Chubukov remarks “What a weight off my shoulders.”