Footprints Without Feet

Gadgets / TV Programmes / Films

When children watch TV, the adults generally scold them without realizing that some programmes on TV can be educative too. Write an article in 150-200 words on "TV as a Tool of Instruction'. You are Navtej / Navita.

TV As A Tool Of Instruction
by Navita
Today elders have high expectations from children. They want them to touch the heights of success.

They usually look down on anything that children do except their reading and writing. They think of every other activity on the part of children as mere waste of time. And their watching TV invariably earns them a good scolding. But they fail to realise that all TV watching is not mere entertainment. TV programmes don't remain limited to films, songs, operas, dance and music. Some of the programmes are very educative and informative, especially for children. There are debates and discussions on current issues which can add to the general awareness of the children. There are quiz programmes, specially designed for children of different age groups. In fact, TV can prove a very effective and useful tool of instruction. The only important thing for elders to do is that they should motivate the children to watch only such programmes that can add to their knowledge and can help to sharpen their intellect. But to do that, elders themselves have to put in a little effort. They should sit with the children while watching these programmes and engage them in a critical analysis of their content. Any food that is hard to digest has to be chewed up well in the mouth itself because the stomach has no teeth. And parents can serve as the teeth in the child's mouth in so far as digestion of knowledge is concerned.

You are Malik / Manju. Mobile phone has become a toy in the hands of the young and the old alike. You have learnt from the statistics given by the traffic police that the danger posed by the use of mobile while driving has not come down in spite of the measures taken by the police. Write an article, pointing out the dangers encountered in using mobile phones while driving. Give suitable suggestions to minimize the problem.

The Hazards Of Mobile Phones

Science has given us many wonderful things. Mobile phone is one of them. The mobile phones have brought about a revolution in the field of communication. Earlier it was considered to be a thing of luxury and a commodity for the rich. Very few people could be seen talking on a mobile phone. But now mobile phones have become so common that they can be seen in the hands of the young and the old alike. Even school-going boys and girls can be seen carrying mobile phones in their hands. But we know that there are two sides of a coin, same is the case with mobile phones. Mobile phones have their advantages and disadvantages It is in our own hands how we use them - in a good or bad manner. Often we see people using their mobile while driving. It is very dangerous to do so and many serious accidents have taken place as a result of this. Now we have a law which prevents the use of mobile while driving. But this law is more often disobeyed than obeyed. The statistics provided by the traffic police clearly show that the danger posed by the use of mobile while driving has not come down in spite of the measures taken by the police. The mobile users themselves will have to realize the difficulties and dangers they cause not only to others, but also to themselves. And those who break the law, should be given a deterrent punishment so that it can serve as a lesson for others.

It is due to cable television that programmes are brought to our homes day and niche the seven days in a week. It has brought a lot of change in the lifestyle of the people. Write an article in about 200 words on Cable TV -- a Boon or a Bane?'

Cable TV - A Boon Or A Bane ?

Today people have innumerable choices as to what they want to watch. Cable TV is one of them. It has brought about a revolution in the world of television. Now almost every home has cable TV which allows them access to unlimited channels for all the 24 hours of the day. In return, they have to pay only nominal fixed monthly charges to the cable operator. One can switch on any channel of one's choice at any hour of the day. This is, indeed, a boon that entertainment has come to our doorstep in all its varied forms. There are programmes for children, for ladies and also for the grown-ups. The fare is endless and it is for the individual to decide how much to take of it and when. Like every other invention of science the cable TV, too, is a boon if used rightly and a bane if used thoughtlessly. The availability of varied programmes all hours of the day doesn't mean that we, too, should remain glued to the TV all hours of the day. It can adversely affect our eyesight and cripple our mental as well as physical growth. TV views should be limited to a couple of hours only and it is important that we don't get addicted to any particular channel or programme. It is only the wise use of cable TV that can make it a boon. Excessive use anything always makes it a bane.

Children up to the age of 12 years have been participating in TV programmes, bearing a lot of stress and neglecting their studies at such a prime time of their life. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'How far is it justifiable for children to participate in TV programmes?' You are Surya / Sukanya.

Participation Of Children In TV Programmes
by: Sukanya

These days, we have a lot of means to entertain ourselves. TV is one of them. Today, we have hundreds of TV channels and thousands of TV programmes being run all the 24 hours of the day. In many programmes, we see little children performing very serious and major roles. Then there are reality shows in which little children display their talent of singing, dancing and acting. I don't think there is anything wrong in children displaying their talent, but it does them more harm than good when they are subjected to the stress of long rehearsals and shooting sessions. Their studies suffer and the very charm, joy and innocence of childhood are stifled. The school is the best platform for a child to display and develop his talent. But when it is made a profession and a source of income, the child steps into manhood much before his time. In the process, he loses all the heavenly bliss associated with childhood. When once a child gets caught in the glare and glitter of the idiot box, he never wants to get out of it. He becomes a willing prisoner in it. Thus in this hunt for talent, the poor child himself gets hunted.

The invention of mobile phone has brought about a revolution in the lives of the people in the country. If used properly, it can be a blessing but if misused, it can prove to be a curse. Write an article in 150-200 words on 'Mobile Phone - a Boon or a Bane'. You are Kartik / Krishna.

Mobile Phone - A Boon Or A Bane?

Mobile phones have brought about a revolution in the field of communication. If judiciously used, they are one of the biggest blessings of modern science. Now any place or person is only a number away from us. We can get in touch with any person we like, wherever the other person may be. And when there is no response from the other end, we can even send an SMS. Thus the mobile phone has really brought about a revolution in our lifestyle. But as they say, every coin has two sides. It is in our own hands how we use this blessing. We can make it a boon or a bane. For example, we often see people using their mobiles while driving. It is very dangerous to do so and many serious accidents have taken place as a result of this. We do have a law which prevents the use of mobile while driving. But this law is more often disobeyed than obeyed. The statistics provided by the traffic police clearly show that the danger posed by the use of mobiles while driving has not come down in spite of the measures taken by the police. The mobile users themselves will have to realize the difficulties and dangers they cause not only to others, but also to themselves. And those who break the law, should be given a deterrent punishment so that it can serve as a lesson for others. Some boys and girls keep their mobiles glued to their ears all the time. Thus they not only waste their time, but also endanger their health. Recent researches have shown that mobiles give out a radiation that can cause cancer. So we must be very judicious in the use of this great invention.

Dance, as shown in some reality shows on TV, seems to be a mix of gymnastics and P.T. exercises. Actually, it is neither. India has a rich tradition of classical and folk dances. Write an article in 150-200 words on the need to have a reality show exclusively based on Indian classical dances. You are Anu / Arun.

Dance-based Reality Shows On TV

Nowadays, a lot of dance-based reality shows are telecast on different TV channels. The dances performed in almost every reality show appear to be a mix of gymnastics and P.T. exercises. Actually, it is neither gymnastics nor P.T. exercises. These dances are, in fact, a display of nudity, indecency and vulgarity. Most of the dance forms like salsa, hip hop, contemporary, etc. are western dances. And the participants perform these dances on Bollywood item songs. It becomes impossible to watch their performances with one's family. India has a rich tradition of classical and folk dances. Many Indian classical dancers have made their mark at the international stage. Many foreigners are also learning our dance forms. We have such dance forms like Bharat Natyam, Kathak, Kuchipudi, Manipuri, Bihu, Giddha, Bhangra and so on. All these dance forms are very graceful and spiritually captivating. We have produced many dancers of international fame. But sadly, the youngsters of today are least interested in Indian classical and folk dances. TV channels should also telecast reality shows exclusively based on Indian classical dances. This will attract our generation towards Indian traditional dance forms.

You are Raman / Ruchika. Write an article in 150-200 words for your school magazine on the topic, ‘Life without Modern Gadgets’.

Life Without Modern Gadgets

Today we are surrounded by various gadgets. We can't imagine our life without modern gadgets. Modern gadgets have made us slaves to machines. No one can deny the fact that these gadgets have made our lives quite comfortable. But at the same time, our dependence on them has increased so much that we cannot do without them at all. Life seems to be impossible without the modern gadgets. We cannot come to school if the bus operators go on strike. We cannot cook without an LPG cylinder. We can't do our washing without a washing machine. We can't do without a TV, a telephone, a computer, or any other modern gadget. And if electricity fails, life for us comes to a standstill. If our phone goes dead, we feel ourselves cut off from the rest of the world. Truly, we have become the slaves of machines. We have become so dependent on machines that we can't do anything without them. We can't even remember a thing without the help of machines. For example, we have to depend on machines for simple calculations even, whereas our forefathers could solve intricate arithmetical problems in no time. This overdependence on machines has made us physically weak, mentally lethargic and emotionally dead. Man will have to come out of this slavery if he is not to become a Lilliputian.