The Rattrap

Q.1 You are to speak in a debate organized by your School. The topic for the debate is ‘Pre-board exams are a waste of time’. Put your views for or against the motion in writing in about 150-200 words.

Against the motion

Good morning to one and present here, Today I, ABC, of class XiII-A stand before you all to express my views in against the topic "Pre-board exams are not a waste of time"
Can we imagine final exams without pre-board exams? Absolutely no. In my opinion, pre-board exams are not a waste of time. They predict the final result of the student. First of all, they prepare the students for the final test. So they take away a lot of fear and stress related to the board examination. Pre-board examinations keep the students busy and focused. They keep them revise their syllabus many times. In my opinion, this is very good training for higher education. Besides this, the students get the opportunity to know what mistakes they have made in their answers. In this way, I would like to say that the pre-board exams are essential. Through these exams, students can identify their weak points and start working on them without feeling stressed.
My final argument is that schools should hold pre-board exams as these exams help the students to perform better in their final exams.

For the motion

Good morning to one and present here, Today I, ABC, of class XII-A stand before you all to express my views in favour of the topic "Pre-board exams are not a waste of time"
I strongly support that the pre-board exams are a waste of time. My knowledgeable opponent has submitted that the pre-board exams prepare the students for their final test but may I ask how we can do this if a student is not serious to make himself prepared for his final exams. On the contrary, if a student prepares himself seriously for the final exams there is no need for such silly exams. Secondly, my opponent has said that these exams keep their students busy and focused but I would like to ask here how he can be so ignorant as to have such silly views. We can often see that the maximum number of students take them as a mere formality.
Thus I personally feel that pre-board exams are totally a waste of time. These exams destroy a lot of valuable time before the final exams of the students. Hence these exams should not be held.

Q.2 Write a debate in about 150 words either for or agint the topic 'Pocket money to children is necessary'

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today I, ABC, of class XII-A stand before you to speak in favour of the topic ‘’Pocket money to children is necessary’.
In my opinion, pocket money to children is necessary. We are living in the age of democracy and economic prosperity. Children should have financial freedom. They can fulfill their personal needs if they have pocket money. In order to inculcate the habit of saving money, pocket money to children is plays an important role. The savings done by the children are sometimes used even by parents. If they have pocket money, they understand the value of money in their childhood and thus learn to spend money carefully when they grow up. Pocket money to children also becomes useful when children are in need of something and their parents are not at home. At this crucial moment, it is with this pocket money that they can solve the problem.
My final argument is that pocket money to children is very necessary and children should be given pocket money by their parents because of it teaches them the value of saving and the importance of financial budgeting.
Thank you.

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today I, ABC, of class XII-A stand before you to speak agianst the topic ‘’Pocket money to children is necessary’.
In my opinion, pocket money is not necessary for children. Parents of most of the children, particularly in villages, are poor and thus they cannot afford it. Thus it is a burden for middle-class parents. Pocket money may spoil the habits of children. This will also increase their demands. They may also become delinquent. Whey they have pocket money their mind engages more in shopping and less in studies. They may also go on the wrong path and they can also start spending money carelessly. They do not know that it is very difficult to earn money, which they are misusing on unnecessary things. We all know that money is very precious but children do not know what is right or wrong. They do not know the value of money.

Q. 3 Write a debate on ‘T.V. viewing is harmful for children’

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here, today I ………….. stand before you to express my views in favour of the motion ‘TV viewing is harmful for the children’.
I firmly believe that television viewing is harmful for children. Television programmes are running around the clock and the number of channels has been only growing. Children keep on watching these programmes for most of the time. As a result their academics suffer. They spend precious time in watching wasteful television serials which could be better used for studies. Too much tv viewing also affects their health. They spend most of their time indoors. So they become lazy. Watching too much of television is harmful to eyes and eyesight. Too much of television affects the development of the brain and muscles. Sometimes students watch TV programmes or movies which are not appropriate for their age group and can mislead them with their content. Things like violence, bloodshed, sex, alcohol, drugs etc. might disturb the young minds. Children are impressionable and get influenced easily. So such programmes can encourage them to emulate what is shown on TV.

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here, today I ………….. stand before you to express my views against the motion ‘TV viewing is harmful for the children’.
I firmly believe that television viewing is not harmful for children. There are channels covering sports, news, discoveries, science, travel and living, geography, cookery, education, wild life, cartoons, art and craft, music and dance contests, jokes, discussions, debates and much more. These programmes will add to the child's knowledge. They can a lot from these channels and increase their knowledge and keep them updated. After spending long hours on studies students get tired then they can easily relax by watching good movies or serials as entertainment. In fact, there are many channels that air programmes exclusively for students. My knowledgeable friend has said the children waste most of their time watching television. But time devoted to television can be regulated so their physical activity is not affected. Students who have a keen interest in sports can watch different sports as there are many sports channels which show matches, tournaments etc. from different places. Watching international matches and players will help them improve their game and skills.My opponenet has also said that many tv programmes a full of violence and vulgarity. But there are many books, magazines and novels available in the market which are misguiding for children. Then dear friend, will you suggest that books should be banned for children? I am of the opinion that it is not television viewing that is harmful but the selection of programmes.

Q.4 Write a debate in about 150 words either for or against the topic on ‘Elections should be held only on Ballot Papers’

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I ………….. stand before you to express my views against the motion 'Elections should be held only on Ballot Papers.'
These days there is a debate in the country on the credibility of EVMs and some political parties are demanding for re-introduction of ballot paper system of voting. The demand of these political parties seems to be reasonable as many countries after experimenting with EVMs for many years, have decided not to continue with me trend and reverted to paper ballots. Ballot papers are relatively easy to mark secretly. They satisfy requirements for both transparency and secrecy. There is no chance of hacking ballot papers like EVMs. Many countries use ballot paper at international level. In October 2006, the Netherlands banned the use of EVMs. Even developed countries like America and England are using ballot paper. It is no hidden that the malfunctioning of EVMs also gives rise to the voice of using ballot papers. In recent times there have been many examples of malfunctioning of EVMs. No doubt the election commission has assured about the credibility of the EVMs yet the chances of their hacking and malfunctioning cannot be ignored. Though the use of ballot paper is a traditional way of elections, yet one cannot deny. It is authentic and credible. Thus, it can be concluded that the ballot paper is a necessary system of election.

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I ………….. stand before you to express my views in favour of the motion 'Elections should be held only on Ballot Papers.'
Ballot papers are the traditional and outdated way of elections. India, long ago, gave up using ballot papers and opted to use Electronic Voting Machines [EVMs). EVMs are very easy to use and function very fast in comparison of ballot paper of voting. Use of ballot paper causes a lot of wastage of papers. In modern time where stress is laid on paper free work to protect the environment, using of ballot papers is a direct neglect of the environment. The ballot paper process is manual and it is a tiresome and error prone task. Counting of 80 crore votes manually in India is a Hercules task and it takes much time. Use of muscle power has been a tool of the political parties to get election outcomes in their favour. The incidents of booth capturing in a ballot paper election are very common. Thus elections by these electronic machines are quite easy and safe. There are many malpractices like vote rigging, forged voting, booth capturing are common in ballot paper elections. Thus, it can be concluded that the elections by EVMs are easy, convenient, fair and fast. No doubt development should not be stopped to make the EVMs more reliable. But reverting to paper ballots would be a retrograde step.

Q.5 Loudspeakers, bands etc. create a lot of disturbance at all hours of day and night especially for students and for the sick. Write a debate in favour of or against the motion words. You are Saurabh/Shobha. (CBSE Compartment Delhi 2009)

For the motion

Respected Judges and my dear friends, today, I, Shobha, will speak for the motion that loudspeakers and bands create disturbance. I strongly believe that use of loudspeakers and bands create a lot of disturbance at all hours of day and night. The noise emanating from them is especially disturbing for students and sick people.
Hearing the high pitched sound of anything can cause problems to our ears. Students already go through a lot of stress during the exam time, and indiscriminate use of loudspeakers just makes the situation even worse for them. Sick people need good sleep for speedy healing but due to these loud noises they have to face delay in their recovery.
High noise levels disturb animals too; sadly they cannot complain nor do anything against it. High noise levels sometimes become the cause of some disputes. And many times these disputes become so severe that they also cause the loss of lives. Several such cases have also been reported. For this reason, Delhi Police has banned the use of high volume bands and loudspeakers after midnight.
Lastly, I would like to add that we should understand our moral responsibility to maintain the appropriate decorum in the society and not spread unrest around us with the use of loudspeakers and bands in high volume.
Thank you!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I ………….. stand before you to express my views against the motion 'Elections should be held only on Ballot Papers.'
Respected Judges, and my dear friends, today, I Saurabh, am here to speak against the motion that loudspeakers and bands create disturbance. How would anyone address any audience properly if the speaker volume is so low that it is inaudible? Can we imagine our school's morning assembly without the use of a loudspeaker?
It has been ensured by the civic bodies that loudspeaker or band using organizations are not established near a school or a hospital to ensure serenity to all. People themselves refrain from uselessly creating loud noises at night. My opponent has argued about their uses in religious places. I would like to say that everybody has their own sentiment with regard to their religion, and we should honour such sentiments.
Music is also recreation for the soul and often it works as a stress buster. So, if we look at only the downside of everything, we would not be able to achieve anything.

Q.6 The government has banned the use of animals in the laboratories for the purpose of dissection. Write a debate either for or against this decision.

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today I. Meena of Class XI, will speak in favor of the motion ' Government's ban on dissection of animals in laboratories is justified.
We all are aware that animals are creatures with feelings, just like human beings. Many of you have pets in your homes. Do they not respond to feelings of affection or even when they are reprimanded for some wrong action on their part?
Then why do we want to kill and abuse animals for no fault of theirs? For furthering the cause of research, my opponents will say. Well, this research can be carried out otherwise also, by using modern technology and without dissecting animals. If my honorable opponents say that this is part of education, for science students to practically observe what they have been taught in theory, I say that this can be done by providing models of suitable cross-sections of the insides of the animals to be studied. Such models can be made by commercial organizations for sale to educational institutions. This will also prevent the repetition of such killing and dissection in the future, which not only promotes education and research but also maintains ecological balance and biodiversity. The relentless killing of animals is enough unpleasant as well as unethical. Hence, it is my earnest appeal to ban the use of animals in laboratories for the purpose of dissection.
Thank you!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Meena of class XI stand before you to express my views against the motion ' Banning the use of animals for dissection".
The dissection of animals in the school laboratories provides a practical experience of the theoretical knowledge that students learn from books. They get an opportunity to actually put their learning into practice. Looking at this act of education as unjust is flawed because the sole purpose of such an activity is to develop the student's knowledge of the elements and functions of the living being. The dissection of animals has a scientific purpose; it is a mode of hands-on education for students wherein they actually look at what they are being taught.
Now, my worthy opponent will say that there are many other ways to do so through models. But I would like to point here that even then, the real understanding will be lost. The purpose of dissection will be lost as the entire process will become similar to theoretical knowledge.
Further, we should give more credit to the sensitivity and intelligence of our students so as not to believe that a dissection class will make them more prone to animal violence. Students understand the value of animal life and how an animal has the same kind of organs as human beings that perform similar functions. The governing philosophy behind teaching students to dissect animals should be that life, whether human or animal, is the same; each living being is tied to each other by their inner similarity. Thus, a ban on the dissection of animals in school laboratories would not be the best course of action. I hope my views on this topic were substantial enough to throw light on this topic.
Thank you!.

Q.7 Some people feel that electronic media ( TV news ) will bring about the end of print media ( newspapers ). What are your views on the issue ? Write a debate either for or against this view.

For the motion

For The Motion Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Meena of class XI stand before you to express my views in favour of the topic 'Electronic media ( TV news ) will bring about the end print media ( newspapers )".
We are living in a rapidly developing and modernized era where technology is taking charge in every walks of our life. Thus, it comes as no surprise that the electronic media is taking over print media rapidly. Let us take an example of news. Earlier people depended on daily newspapers as there was no other source of news and information.
Today, in comparison to the one day wait , we get all new information we need almost instantly. With the 24-hour format, we have access to better and fast-flowing news and information.
Further, newspapers cater to only the urban educated sections of the society while the electronic media caters to every individual making the world an inclusive society. The best pat of electronic media is that it gives picture and the senses of the places of incidents which makes the information much more relatable and authentic. In addition, e-media is also environment friendly. Therefore, electronic media is preferred by all and thus, will soon take over print media.
Thank you!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Meena of class XI stand before you to express my views against the topic 'Electronic media ( TV news ) will bring about the end print media ( newspapers )".
The print media is a tried and tested medium which has been functioning over centuries and still its popularity has not diminished. In fact, it has managed to hold its ground despite the fact that TV news channels telecast news 24 x 7. News in the print media are analyzed and verified and are not repetitive like TV news. Moreover, newspapers cater to the varied interests of different people who eagerly await their morning newspaper.
The 24-hour news channels have revolutionized the world which now appears closer and smaller. Though news conveyed by TV news channels is quicker and faster, these, many times, tend to omit facts and details about an incident and sometimes even sensationalise news without a reason. There are times when due to lack of sufficient news, news either becomes repetitive and dull or sometimes stories are fabricated in a manner that they become news. Here, the newspaper comes in handy as it gives not only vital details but also contains more reliable news.
Besides, the newspaper is easy to carry and can be read at any time. The permanence of the printed word helps in refreshing one's memory about certain facts and incidents reported in the past. Newspapers also contain many columns dedicated to advertisements like vacant situations, buying or selling of goods, information about missing persons, obituary news, editorial comments, etc. All this and much more information is contained only in the newspaper.
Thus, I would like to conclude by saying that newspapers have been and will remain the mouthpiece of the nation and the unseen advisers of the common people.
Thank you !.

Q 8 Consumerism is increasing day - by - day. Luxuries of yesterday have become necessities of today. The result is that the more we want the more miserable we become. Write a debate on " The only way to minimize human suffering and pain is to control our needs ' . You are Navtej / Navita .

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views in favour of the topic 'The only way to minimize human suffering and pain is to control our needs."
I am sure all of you watch TV programs regularly, particularly entertainment programs, serials and telecasts of cricket matches on various TV channels. You will find it hard to believe that just 25 years ago there was only one TV channel to watch, i.e., Doordarshan. Even then, having a TV set was a luxury and not a necessity, like it is nowadays. If we are prevented from watching TV by our parents even for a few days, like during exam time, most of us become miserable.
However, our ancestors did not face any such misery. Their needs were minimum and items like a TV desite, were just considered as luxury. This clearly points to the fact that we must learn to control our needs. Our need becomes greed which then becomes an obstacle in our lives. In greed, the material world controls us and we join a rat - race which puts us through immense physical and mental stresses We all know that excessive desires and needs have always been considered immoral and a violation of divine law.
Thus, we all must control our needs and desires to live our life without any suffering and pain
Thank you !

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views against the topic 'The only way to minimize human suffering and pain is to control our needs."
Scientifically speaking all human beings are born with needs which are different for each and every individual. These needs grow and develop with time and age. A small child always has small and meager needs but a grownup has a much larger and different set of needs.
With this knowledge, the concept of controlling our needs and desires seems to be flawed. Fulfillment is the key here. Pain and suffering that human faces are because of the lack of satisfaction and fulfillment. If we focus on fulfillment, we can easily remove the obstacle that hurt us. Finding joy in simple things, and happiness and peace is the main aim of human life. Controlling needs then may make a person mentally sick and disgusted which would have physical impacts. Thus, instead of controlling our needs, we must find ways to satisfy them and march towards a happy and fulfilled life.

Q 9. Migration from villages to cities has led to the spread of urban slums. People living in these slums lead miserable life. Economic disparity leads to the problems of law and order. Write a debate on the solution to the problem of misery in the urban slums lies in creating jobs in the villages'. You are Navtel / Navita.

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views in favour of the topic 'Solution to the problem of misery in the urban slums lies in creating jobs in the villages'.
People living in cities are aware that every city has slum areas in which the poor, mostly migrated from nearby rural areas, are leading a miserable existence, doing odd jobs to earn a living. Due to their condition, they sometimes create problems of law and order. We should understand why people migrate to cities, even though they are forced to lead a life of misery there. The reason is that in the rural areas there are no adequate avenues for employment or alternate sources of livelihood. The rural people feel that they can earn better in cities, leading to their migration. Thus, if jobs are created in the villages by setting up more agro-based industries or some other self-employment opportunities people can lead a reasonable livelihood there and will have no reason to migrate to cities.
Consequently, slums will not expand and more people will not lead miserable lives in urban slums. This will also lead to prosperity in the villages and may ultimately give rise to reverse migration, i.e. slum dwellers going back to their villages to lead a more satisfactory life! I'm sure this is possible with adequate planning by our state and central governments.
Thank you!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views against the topic 'Solution to the problem of misery in the urban slums lies in creating jobs in the villages'.
While creating job is an essential for the growth and development of the country, it is not the primary step that would ensure that the problem at hand will be solved.
The slums and villages of the country have a lot of people who are jobless and aimless because they are unskilled. Hence, the first priority should be providing them with the basic necessities of life as well as making them skilled to get a job. Once they are mentally and physically healthy as well as skilled, they can easily find jobs and end the miseries of their life. Focusing directly on jobs can easily take away the financial stress but the other miseries faced by them are left unresolved. Hence, other problems must be given first priority and then proper jobs as well as good salary will make them come out of their problems forever.
Thank you!

Q.10 A number of your classmates (especially those from science and commerce streams) bunk their classes in order to attend coaching centres. Write a debate on " Tuition at coaching centers is not essential”.

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views in favour of the topic " Tuition at coaching centers is not essential'.
We are all aware that coaching centres, particularly for the science and commerce streams, are very popular with students because the parents feel that their children will perform better in their exams by attending coaching. However, this is a misconception, as most coaching contres are literally moneymaking machines for their owners. They have no infrastructure and very high fees. Thus, most coaching centers are not really useful.
In contrast, schools have a better infrastructure with proper classrooms, multimedia facilities and all other requirements for a proper education. The teachers in schools are well-qualified, many of them having adequate teaching experience. Many schools run by registered trusts also have very low fees, because running a school is considered a philanthropic activity by people. However, the schools should reorient their teaching process to make their education competition oriented. This will ensure that schools will be considered essential, while coaching centers will not be at all necessary.
Thank you!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views against the topic " Tuition at coaching centers is not essential'.
In this cut-throat competitive world, all of us want to score better and thus have no option but to resort to coaching. Coaching centers provide right guidance not only in student's area of study but also in their careers ahead. These institutes can guide students as per their interest and their academic records.
Students get individual attention at coaching centres, which is not the case in schools where each class has 30-40 students and teachers have limited time in class. This makes it difficult for teachers to guide students as they concentrate on completing the syllabus in time. Coaching centers develop innovation learning techniques for different types of students, whereas in school, students of the same class get to learn concepts in the same patterns. When a student misses a day in school, due to any reason, they move out of track in studies. They will not be able to concentrate on the on-going topics. Coaching centers come handy in these cases, where they can cover the missed out classes without losing the ongoing classes. Thus, coaching centers cover up all those things missed out by the schools. Hence, they are a necessity.

Q 11. 'Brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like India.' Write a debate either for or against the motion.

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views in favour of the topic 'Brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like India '.
What is ' brain drain? It is defined as the migration of competent people, meaning intellectuals and skilled workers, in search of a better standard of living and quality of life, higher salaries, access to advanced technology and more stable political conditions, to different places worldwide.
Today, from India many people migrate abroad for better prospects and as a result this so-called 'brain drain' improves the chances of competent people finding employment. Not only does this brings prestige as the work force gets recognized but this also brings opportunity for talented individual. The ' brain drain 'that is considered as a bane actually promotes globalization and competition. The forex remitted back helps family and also promotes tourism in the country. Brain drain, thus, enhances socio-cultural and economic relationship. Thus, we can definitely say that brain drain is not a bane for a developing country like India.
Thank you!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views against the topic " Tuition at coaching centers is not essential'.
Usually, it is the intellectuals and skilled workers of a country who migrate, being dissatisfied the most. This translates into a loss of considerable resources when these people migrate, with the direct benefit going to the recipient countries who have not spent any money on educating them . These migrants are some of the most expensive resources of a developing country like India because of their training in terms of material cost and time, and most importantly, because of lost opportunity. Thus, India 's development is severely hampered by these people leaving the country, particularly because it results in many gaps in vital industries and key positions . This significantly hampers the development of the nation.
Thus, we can definitely say that brain drain is a bane for a developing country like India.
Thank you!

Q 12 The Internet cannot replace a classroom teacher '. Write a debate either for or against the motion.

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views in favour of the topic ‘The Internet cannot replace a classroom teacher’.
Classrooms are the most influential spaces that exist in the world today. These leave a long-lasting impact on the minds of the individuals. As we move in a more globalized and technologically oriented world, the dilemmas of morality, ethics and life are rapidly increasing and no Internet can ever answer these questions. Thus, the topic that Internet can't replace a classroom teacher' has come at the highest time and I stand in favor of it.
Classroom includes teachers who touch the students' lives in innumerable ways. The bond between a teacher and a student is a human bond. It is a human connect which a computer can't replace. A teacher is a person who is able to have a lifelong impact on the students. The teacher can scold , guide and understand a child 's emotions as he / she is growing up . They have a positive impact on a student, which builds his / her character from an early stage. These days, we are quite familiar with online classes and online teaching. There is even a designed curriculum, but unlike teachers, the internet cannot provide encouragement and support to the students. Teaching is not just about making sure that the students are learning, it is about creating an interactive environment wherein the student can grow mentally as well as socially.
The Internet can never answer the vastness and depth of questions that exist in the minds of the students. The Internet may give them information which may not even be authentic and it also can't teach them morality or clear their dilemmas of life. The essence of learning is to make individuals capable enough to be able to cope with anger, anxiety, failure and success. The aim of education is to create anxiety, responsible citizens which the Internet cannot do. It is only a teacher who takes full responsibility for nurturing the child.
Thank you!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views against the topic ‘The Internet cannot replace a classroom teacher’.
In today's fast moving world, where technology has been taken over our lives in all ways possible, the modern-day teacher is the Internet. The view that Internet can't replace a classrooms teacher is a thing of the past and has no scope today. Thus. I speak against the motion. In today's classroom, the students are much more aware of the world. They have answers to all the questions even before a teacher can answer them because the questions can be easily answered by the Internet. The Internet serves not just as a teacher but as an entire library in itself. The internet not only provides different viewpoints but also enhances discussions.
The decline in the number of teachers has paved the way for the Internet to become the new teacher. The quality of teachers today and their consistency is the main cause for the suffering of the education system but with the internet as the new teacher, there is no problem of quality and constitancy. With internet, evaluation becomes faster and unbiased and learning becomes free from time constraints.
On the one hand , where students had to wait for te teachers to solve their doubts, now they can get their questions answered just by the click of the mouse. Their teacher is in their hands and always ready to solve their problems. The Internet is not just limited to the classroom like a teacher but it opens the world to students and allows them to learn.
Thank you !

Q 13. "The policy of reservation of seats for admission to the professional courses is good for the deprived sections of society . Write a debate either for or against the motion

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views in favour of the topic "The policy of reservation of seats for admission to the professional courses is good for the deprived sections of society”.
We all are aware that Indian society still remains a caste based hierarchical system. The lower caste people have remained exploited by the higher caste ones and have suffered through the demerits of socio-economic underdevelopment. The aim of reservations in admission is to bring them at par with other sections of society. Though it appears as a violation of the principle of equality, yet its justification is sustained by the obligation of a social welfare state.
Article 46 of the Indian Constitution provides that the state shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker sections of the people. Further, the first Constitutional Amendment Act of 1951 provides that nothing shall prevent the state from making any special provision for the advancement of any socially and educationally backward class of citizens. We must remember that a country cannot progress until all the sections contribute together. Thus , the weaker and marginalised must raise themselves from the pits of inequality. The Constitution was designed to help the deprived sections of society and thus the policy of reservation is justified.
Thank you!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views against the topic "The policy of reservation of seats for admission to the professional courses is good for the deprived sections of society '
The policy of reservation stated in the Indian Constitution was designed as an ad-hoc policy for ten years. But it is continuing to get extensions after the end of every ten years. These extensions are creating frustrations among other people, as they are deprived of opportunities to take admission in professional courses even after scoring a good and deserving percentage.
In addition, the policy of reservation is contrary to the principle of equality. Equality pre supposes equal treatment to all and equal protection of all people. But special privileges and extra protection to certain classes of people violates it. It violates the very spirit of democracy and does great injustice to the deserving.
Further reservation policy has become the main reason for brain drain and the communal disturbance taking place in the society. Due to brain drain , people are fostering resentment as the inequality increases. As a result , the need of the hour is that focus should be on merit.
Today, very high respected positions are occupied by undeserving people due to reservations while the truly deserving is left to struggle. Thus, not only is this policy pushing the morale of the youth downwards but also hindering the efficient growth and development of the nation.
Thank you!

Q 14. "The policy of no detention till Class VIII is not in the interest of students. Write a debate either in favor of or against the motion.

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views in favour of the topic " The policy of no detention till Class VIII is not in the interest of students '.
It has had a severe impact on the learning outcome in schools and has become a hindrance in the academic growth of a student. Every student knows that with or without studying one will be promoted to the next class till Class VIII. No one checks on the fact that whether or not a student has acquired the bare minimum knowledge before he or she is promoted to the next class.
Cut - throat competition is faced by each and every child . Thus, to become successful students must have a proper base, so that they can excel in every aspects of life. But students do not put 100% efforts in their education. They lack the motivation to excel, first in their academics and later in their life. They become used to not working hard and start expecting to receive benefits without doing anything. Though this policy was implemented with the objective of reducing stress on children, one cannot ignore the fact that the quality of education has to be maintained and the aim of education has to be achieved. Children with weak foundation are unable to perform as their basics are not clear. It is thus a serious concern that all attempts of educating children is proving to be a waste.
Life , in general , is extremely competitive , so let us not forget that a little bit of pressure is always beneficial in the long run so there is certainly an urgent need to rethink about continuing this policy .
Thank You!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views against the topic "The policy of no detention till Class VIII is not in the interest of students".
It is universally accepted that each and child is unique and different. Consequently, each one of us has different learning capacities as well as talents.
While one may be good in studies, other will be good in sports or any other field for that matter. This coupled with the fact that the age group we are talking about generally comprises young children who have very tender hearts, points that every child must be molded and guided in specific ways so that they learn and grow in a positive way.
At such a tender age, a child can get easily affected by any kind of fear and pressure. And the fear of failure in exams is one of the scariest aspects of this. A child from a very young age is forced by parents to excel in studies. He/she is put through endless tuitions so that they top in examinations. As a result, the precious childhood is lost. Further, children do not get time to pursue their hobbies or talents.
In such a situation, the no-detention policy till VIII standard is a good initiative by the government which takes away much of the pressure from the child. Children then can not only enjoy their childhood but also work on their talents.
Thank you!

Q 14.A career counsellor (not you yourself) is the best person to guide you in the choice of a career. ' Write a debate either for or against the motion.

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views in favour of the topic “A career counsellor ( not you yourself ) is the best person to guide you in the choice of a career”.
Choosing a definite career and deciding a career goal is very important especially once you have completed your Sr. Sec. Schooling. Unfortunately, not many students are able to discover their potential and interests and that is when the pressure starts building up.
' There is no denying the truth that once we finish our school , we are faced with- " what next"? A student at the threshold of a new start has parents, teachers and friends as guides and each person speaks from their own perspective.
It is at this juncture that a career counselor can help students. They are the best person to guide you and help you decide your career based on your aptitude, skills, performance and personality. Human talent and potential is tremendous and can't be measured as such. Each individual has their strengths and weaknesses. It is here that the career counselor comes into the picture. They identify that unique quality and provide not just a career mapping but also support and motivation.
They boost our morale and give us an analytical vision so that we can make an informed choice. Thus , I would say that with the help of career counselors, students end up choosing the best profession well suited to their needs. They perform well and ultimately succeed in life. So, let us make an intelligent and professional move and step ahead in the right direction with the help of those who are more aware and informed.
Thank you!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views against the topic “A career counsellor ( not you yourself ) is the best person to guide you in the choice of a career”.
I do not agree with the statement that career counselors are the best persons to help students in the choice of a career. More than career counselors, the opinion of parents , who are already experienced in career choice making , as well as ourselves, should influence the choice of a career.
All parents want their children to find happiness and success in life. The right choice of a career will certainly provide happiness. Research in this field has indicated that when children feel supported and loved by their parents, they have more confidence in their own ability to find a career that suits them, and therefore, choose one which will be interesting to them as well as provide them a livelihood. An individual should be the best judge to choose a career of their choice but they can seek guidance from parents and elders. Career counselors do not know anything about a child before they suggest a career for him, which may ultimately result in failure. They may fail in identifying interest of the children and even confuse them with multiple career options. Today, this field has become so commercialized that in the desire to earn more and more money, counselors may misinterpret a student's psychology and individual capacities.
Therefore, I reiterate, career counselors are not the best people to guide you in the choice of a career.
Thank you!

Q 15 Private cars should be banned in the congested commercial areas of the cities. Write a debate either for or against the motion.

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views in favour of the topic “Private cars should be banned in the congested commercial areas of the cities. ”.
I am of the opinion that private cars should be banned in the congested commercial areas of the cities. Numerous studies have shown that vehicular pollution is on the rise and so is traffic. Today, every individual owns a car and uses it to travel everywhere without any thought of how it can be detrimental to everyone. More and more cars mean less parking space, more accidents, more congestion etc. While the use of cars cannot be stopped or reduced drastically as it is a transport of convenience, it can be banned in the congested commercial areas of cities.
The advantages of implementing the ban is that it will lead to less congestion, less problem for pedestrians, and no road rage incidents. Secondly, fewer vehicles would mean less exhaust emission and less time wasted on roads which in turn will increase the efficiency of people. Let my opponents not forget that banning cars in the congested areas will also reduce the noise pollution which has reached alarming levels, the space for movement will be more and the vehicles carrying goods in the commercial hubs and emergency services will ply with more ease thereby saving time too.
To conclude, this step should be taken at the earliest as it will immensely benefit the people of the commercial areas and become a path-breaking example for others to follow suit.
Thank you!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views against the topic “Private cars should be banned in the congested commercial areas of the cities. ”.
I am not in favor of banning private cars from entering congested commercial areas because our public transport system in cities is not efficient enough to satisfy the needs of travel for the people in the cities.
Freedom of traveling is inhibited when one is at the mercy of public vehicles. It has its scheduled places and time of departures and stops. Moreover, it is not a long-term solution. Moreover, if traders and their customers use taxis or autos, it will become a very costly affair. Therefore, trade and business will suffer. Retail prices will increase, causing difficulties for the common man. Thus, both business and the economy will be adversely affected due to such a measure, which we cannot afford. So government should think some other strategy to overcome the problem of pollution like the odd-even rule, which was tried earlier with limited success.
Further, the solution must be looked in the real cause of congestion which is to the majority of commercial vehicles. Roads must be maintained, movement of commercial vehicles must be restricted and traffic signals must be maintained as well as properly managed. One can also not forget that public transport can be made more efficient for the same. Thus , pollution can be contained without putting a ban on cars being banned in congested commercial areas .
Thank you!

Q 16 Write a debate either for or against the motion: Participation in sports is a mere wastage of time'.

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views in favour of the topic “Participation in sports is a mere wastage of time”.

First , I will raise the point regarding the length of the career of a sportsperson. Most sportspersons retire by the age of 35 to 40 years , whereas other persons can have a career normally stretching to the age of 60 or 65. After retirement , a normal sportsperson finds it difficult to get a suitable job to make ends meet . The majority of sportspersons in India are neglected after they retire. There are many examples of sportspersons living in poverty in their old a age.
Second , particularly in physical sports , there are chances of injuries , which may cause permanent bodily harm or reduce their efficiency . This may shorten the career of many sportspersons too.
My third point is regarding the time consumed in practicing, participating in competitions, maintaining physical fitness, etc. All these consume a large amount of time, thus reducing a sportsperson's social life significantly. What it amounts to is that many sacrifices have to be made for a sportsperson to be successful even if the person is talented.
Summing up , we can understand that participation in sports is really a wastage of time , which cannot lead to a productive career .
Thank you!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views against the topic “Participation in sports is a mere wastage of time”.
Sports has become a viable career option today. With the government launching schemes like ' Khelo India and others to identify sports talent at the primary school level , any child who is talented will be trained effectively using government funds to develop their talent . Talent for a particular sport can be recognized at this age and developed accordingly. Then it is the duty of the child's parents to allow the child adequate time for practicing and participating in competitions.
There are many cases of sportspersons being successful and gaining recognition at a local, national or international platforms. Even if a child is not found talented in a particular sport, participation in sports is definitely not a mere wastage of time because it keeps one mentally and physically fit. Regular participation in sports develops the body and keeps the child physically fit . It also develops a competitive attitude, besides developing other qualities like leadership, cooperation and a sportsman's spirit. Thus , sports develops a person in every sense . In addition, even a moderately successful sportsperson gets to travel abroad for training or competition and meet sportspersons of other countries, thus developing their personality in an all-round manner. Thus , we can conclude that participation in sports is not a mere wastage of time .
Thank you!

Q 17 Academic excellence is the only requirement for a successful career. ' Write a debate either for or against the motion.

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views in favour of the topic “Academic excellence is the only requirement for a successful career".
Success in life is a dream of every person in this world. Every person has their own vision of success in life. The basic of all requirements is knowledge. People get knowledge via education received at schools , colleges , universities and other institutions .
A good education strengthens competencies and developing skills required in the practical world. It helps in clearer understanding of the subject and gives an in-depth knowledge. It helps in developing resource fulness and improves the decision making ability of a person. Academic excellence also ensures admission to higher institutes of learning, which in turn ensures better job opportunities.
This excellence results in better salaries and perks at large, and reputed organisations. Academics prepares one for competitions and helps one learn from them. Although we need other attributes like social , language and communication skills to get success in life , still academic excellence is the pre-requisite .
Thank you!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views against the topic “Academic excellence is the only requirement for a successful career".
We all know many highly successful personalities such as Steve Jobs , Bill Gates , Henry Ford , etc., who have achieved great success in spite of not being academically brilliant, however, parents and teachers seem to mainly focus on the student's attention on scoring good marks instead of focusing on developing skills. They strongly opine that the student's caliber and future career depends solely on their academic scores. But, academic excellence may not be sufficient to ensure success. There are other life skills such as communication skills , social skills , language skills , etc. , that are more important than academics. Life skills along with various talents can give more options to the students. They ensure an all-round personality development, multitasking abilities and leadership qualities, and help to develop confidence in the student. New age careers don't necessarily need academic excellence. In fact, non-formal learning helps to broaden spectrum of careers.
So, it is time for all of us to change our mindsets and encourage talent. Every student should be made to realize that they are a unique individual and have the right to follow their dreams without being in competition with nobody.
Thank you!

Q 18 Everyone should become vegetarian. 'Write adbate either for or against the motion.

For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views in favour of the topic “Everyone should become vegetarian". In my opinion, the consumption of a vegetarian diet is a better way to live a healthy life. People should consume more vegetables and fruits and as little meat as possible because intake of high amount of meat can cause serious health issues.
Life is very precious, and everyone has the right to live, even the animals. Just because animals can't speak that doesn't mean they don't feel pain . Just think about their pain and their suffering when you kill them just for your taste . When it is perfectly possible to lead a healthy life by eating plant - based food , I see no justification for killing birds or animals for our food . Not to mention , producing vegetarian food is more ecologically sustainable , and it reduces damage to the environment .
One should be vegetarian because it is much cheaper, healthier and better for us and also for our environment. By becoming vegetarian , you live longer , stronger and stay fit . There is strong medical evidence which proves that the consumption of meat is very unhealthy . It also causes heart problems and diabetes.
A vegetarian diet reduces the risk of chronic degenerative diseases such as obesity, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. We should consume fruits and vegetables because they are very rich in proteins and vitamins. To conclude, vegetarian diets are healthy and do not contribute to animal cruelty.
Therefore, I believe that everyone should adopt vegetarianism.
Thank you!

Against the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. Today, I Navtej of class XI stand before you to express my views against the topic “Everyone should become vegetarian". Vegetarian diets are devoid of the proteins and fats that animal meat contains. I believe that people should have meat in every their meals in order to have a good health . On one hand, there are several reasons why vegetarianism benefits the human body. On the other hand, people are likely to face some difficulties if they do not eat meat like, lack of energy.
Vegetarians believe that meat is unhealthy because of the diseases it has been connected with. However, there are strong arguments for eating meat. First, as humans we are designed to eat meat , which suggests it is not unhealthy, and we have been eating meat for thousands of years . For example, cave men made hunting implements so that they could kill animals and eat their meat. Secondly, meat is a rich source of protein which helps to build muscles and bones. Vegetarians often have to take supplements to get all the essential vitamins and minerals. According to medical science , a diet constituting sea food like fish , and eggs sharpens our intelligence and promotes the smooth functioning of our brain . This ultimately accelerates our wisdom.
Also, vegetarians have a limited choice of food compared to meat eaters. They also face difficulties while traveling abroad as vegetarian food is not available at all places. To sum up, I do not agree that everyone should turn to a vegetarian diet. Although , the over consumption of meat could possibly be unhealthy, a balanced diet of meat and vegetables should result in a healthy body .
Thank you!