
Debate - An argument between two persons or groups on a topic given.
How to write a debate
1. Salutation: Respected principal, worthy teachers and my dear friends,
My name is …………………….. I stand before you to speak for the motion on………………………(topic name)
Before we begin the debate we must understand the topic so that we may reach any conclusion at the end. ………………………………(Explanation of the topic in one full sentence………………………………………)
Before we begin the debate, I would like to raise a question: ……………………….(a rhetorical question).
2. Middle paragraph:
For the motion:
  • In my opinion ……………………………..
  • I feel very strongly that …………………....
  • I would like to express /present my views that ………………………………
  • I submit that……………………….
  • 3 Final paragraph:

Conclusion/ suggestions (if any)

You are to speak in a debate organized by your School. The topic for the debate is ‘Pre-board exams are a waste of time’. Put your views for or against the motion in writing in about 150-200 words.

Against the motion
Respected principal, worthy teacher, and my dear friends,
My name is ……………..I stand before you to speak for against the motion on. Before we begin the debate we must understand the topic so that we may reach any conclusion at the end. Well, pre-board are full-fledged exams. conducted by some schools before their students sit in their final exams.
Before we begin the debate,  I would like to raise a question. Can we imagine final exams without pre-board exams?
In my opinion, pre-board exams are not a waste of time. They predict the final result of the student. First of all, they prepare the students for the final test. So they take away a lot of fear and stress related to the board examination. Pre-board examinations keep the students busy and focused. They keep them revise their syllabus many times. In my opinion, this is very good training for higher education. Besides this, the students get the opportunity to know what mistakes they have made in their answers. In this way, I would like to say that the pre-board exams are essential. Through these exams, students can identify their weak points and start working on them without feeling stressed.

My final argument is that schools should hold pre-board exams as these exams help the students to perform better in their final exams.

For the motion
Respected principal, worthy teacher, and my dear friends,
My name is ……………..I stand before you to speak for against the motion on. Before we begin the debate we must understand the topic so that we may reach any conclusion at the end. Well, pre-board are full-fledged exams conducted by some schools before their students sit in their final exams.
Before we begin the debate, I would like to raise a question: how can we judge a students performance in his final exams without pre-board exams?
I strongly support that the pre-board exams are a waste of time. My knowledgeable opponent has submitted that the pre-board exams prepare the students for their final test but may I ask how we can do this if a student is not serious to make himself prepared for his final exams. On the contrary, if a student prepares himself seriously for the final exams there is no need for such silly exams. Secondly, my opponent has said that these exams keep their students busy and focused but I would like to ask here how he can be so ignorant as to have such silly views. We can often see that the maximum number of students take them as a mere formality.

Thus I personally feel that pre-board exams are totally a waste of time. These exams destroy a lot of valuable time before the final exams of the students. Hence these exams should not be held.

Pocket money to children is necessary
For the motion

Good morning to one and all present here. My name is ……………..I stand before you to speak for against the motion on ‘’Pocket money to children is necessary’.

In my opinion, pocket money to children is necessary. We are living in the age of democracy and economic prosperity. Children should have financial freedom. They can fulfill their personal needs if they have pocket money. In order to inculcate the habit of saving money, pocket money to children is plays an important role. The savings done by the children are sometimes used even by parents. If they have pocket money, they understand the value of money in their childhood and thus learn to spend money carefully when they grow up. Pocket money to children also becomes useful when children are in need of something and their parents are not at home. At this crucial moment, it is with this pocket money that they can solve the problem.
My final argument is that pocket money to children is very necessary and children should be given pocket money by their parents because of it teaches them the value of saving and the importance of financial budgeting
Thank you
Against the motion
In my opinion, pocket money is not necessary for children. Parents of most of the children, particularly in villages, are poor and thus they cannot afford it. Thus it is a burden for middle-class parents. Pocket money may spoil the habits of children. This will also increase their demands. They may also become delinquent. Whey they have pocket money their mind engages more in shopping and less in studies. They may also go on the wrong path and they can also start spending money carelessly. They do not know that it is very difficult to earn money, which they are misusing on unnecessary things. We all know that money is very precious but children do not know what is right or wrong. They do not know the value of money.