The Lost Child

1. What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind?
Ans. On his way to the fair, the child sees many things. First of all, he sees a toy-shop. Then he sees a group of dragon flies in the mustard field. Then he is attracted by the little insects and worms along the footpath. A shower of young flowers and cooing of doves also fascinated him. He lags behind because he is greatly attracted towards them.

2. In the fair the child wants many things. What are they? Why does he moves on without waiting for an answer?
Ans. In the fair the child wants many things. He wants his parents to buy him a toy, a garland of flowers and ballons of different colours. He also expresses his desire for burfi. But he moves on without waiting for an answer because he knew that his parent will not buy these things for him.

3. When does the child realise that he has lost his way? How has his anxiety and insecurity been described?
Ans. The child sees a roundabout. He wants to have a ride on it. So he turns to his parents to make a request for a ride on it. But there is no reply. He looks around but they are not there. So he realizes that he has lost his way. A full, deep cry comes from his dry throat. With a sudden jerk, he starts 
running calling to them, "Mother, Father."

4. Why does the lost child lose interest in the things he had wanted earlier?
Ans. The child loves his parents very much. After losing them, he finds himself in great fear. He starts crying. Without parents, he feels himself unsafe. As long as he is with his parents he wants to buy a number of things. But now he loses interest in all those things. He does not want to buy anything. Now he wants only his parents.  

5. What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?
Ans. When the child is lost in the fair, a man carries him in his arms and save him from being crushed by the thick crowd. The man seems to be very kind and loving. I think the child finds his parents in the end with the help of this man.

1. How did the parents distract the child's mind from the toy-seller?
Ans. As the child saw a toy-seller, he asked his parents to buy a toy. But his father looked at him with anger. After that the mother pointed towards a flowering mustard-field. The child was attracted by the beauty of the field. He began to run after the colourful dragon-flies.

2. There were some things the child knew his parents would not buy for him, so he did not ask for them. What were these?
Ans. The child wanted to have a garland of gulmohur flowers. Next, he wanted to buy the colourful balloons. But he knew that his parents would not buy these things for him. So he did not ask for these things.

3. Who rescued the child? What did he offer to buy for him?
Ans. The child was separated from his parents in the fair. He looked for them everywhere. But he could not find them. Then he ran to a temple crowded with people. A man in the crowd heard his cry. He lifted him up in his arms. He offered to buy him a garland, balloons and some sweets.

4. Why did the child go towards the temple? What happened there?
Ans. The child was panic-stricken. He ran towards a crowded temple looking for his parents. He hoped to find his parents there. He began to cry loudly for his parents. A man in the crowd heard his cry. He lifted him up in his arms and rescued him..


Q. Write a note on the theme of the story ‘The Lost Child’.
Ans. The story ‘The Lost Child’ is based on child psychology. A child is curious by nature. H is attracted by beautiful things. He wishes to possess everything which looks attractive. However he takes interest in these things only when he is in the company of his parents. But when he is lost, these things lose their charm for him. In this story a child goes to a fair with his parents. He is attracted by different things like balloons, toys, garlands of gulmohur. He also wishes to enjoy a ride in the roundabout. Nut suddenly he is separated from his parents. Now he starts crying. A kind man tries to console him. He offers to buy him a number of things. But the child refuses to take any of them and goes on weeping. He wants only his parents.