You are Saurav. You witnessed an accident in which truck driver had hit a vehicle into a group of people sleeping on the footpath killing three people and injuring seven. Write a report on the same in about 120-150 words.



(A report by Saurav)

Gurugram: 2 Feb. 2021

Three persons died and ten person were injured when a truck ran over a group of people sleeping on the footpath at Ifco Chowk, Gurugram yesterday night.

A truck loaded with some concrete was coming from Delhi at a very high speed. Suddenly a stray cow came in the middle of the road from nowhere. The truck driver tried his best to save the cow. In doing so the driver lost his control over the truck and it started swerving to and fro. Some people were sleeping nearby on the footpath. It ran over a group of them. Three people were killed on the spot. Seven people got injured badly. The truck driver escaped in the cover of darkness, abandoning the vehicle. In the meantime a police patrolling car reached the spot. The police have registered a case against the driver. An ambulance was sent for. The injured were sent to the hospital.


You are Subham, the press correspondence, The Times of India. You happened to see a clash between a group of college students and state transport bus crew. The matter could be settled with the help of police and Student's Union. Write a report on the same in abot 120-150 words.



(A report by Subhan, correspondence, TOI)


Rewari: 1 February 2021.

Yesterday there arose a clash between a group of college students and Haryana Transport Corporation bus crew. The incident occurred in the peak hours of the morning when route no. 223 bus hit one of the college girls waiting for their bus at Nai Wali Chowk, Rewari.

The driver was negligent in his driving and cause the incident. A group of college girls was standing at the cown and waiting for their bus. Suddenly a bus HR 36 – 2548 came at a high speed and hit one of girl. She got some minor injuries in her legs. Immediately many students appeared on the scene. In the beginning they tried to make the driver feel sorry. But the driver refused to do so and started abusive language. The students could not bear this and they started petting the bus. The whole traffic came to a standstill. The matter could be settled with the help of police and students union.

(कल कॉलेज के छात्रों और हरियाणा परिवहन निगम बस चालक दल के बीच झड़प हुई। घटना सुबह के पीक ऑवर्स में हुई जब रूट नं। 223 बस ने रेवाड़ी के नाई वली चौक पर अपनी बस का इंतजार कर रही कॉलेज की एक लड़की को टक्कर मार दी।

ड्राइवर ने अपनी ड्राइविंग में लापरवाही की और इस घटना का कारण बना। कॉलेज की लड़कियों का एक समूह कॉइन पर खड़ा था और अपनी बस का इंतजार कर रहा था। अचानक एक बस HR 36 - 2548 तेज गति से आई और उसने एक लड़की को टक्कर मार दी। उसके पैरों में कुछ मामूली चोटें आईं। तुरंत ही कई छात्र घटनास्थल पर दिखाई दिए। शुरुआत में उन्होंने ड्राइवर को अफ़सोस करने की कोशिश की। लेकिन ड्राइवर ने ऐसा करने से मना कर दिया और गाली-गलौज शुरू कर दी। छात्र यह सहन नहीं कर सके और उन्होंने बस को पीटना शुरू कर दिया। पूरा ट्रैफिक ठिठक गया। पुलिस और छात्र संघ की मदद से मामला सुलझाया जा सका।)


You are Rama, studying in Sun Public School, Bangalore. Every year your school celebrates the World Health Day 'that falls on 7th April. Write a report for your school newsletter in 150 - 200 words on how the day was celebrated this year.




10th April 2010 Bangalore

Sun Public School was in the news again. Continuing with their old tradition, it celebrated The World Health Day 'on 7th April. The purpose of this programme was to promote health and hygiene. The school was decorated beautifully. Poster and banner promoting health and hygiene were floating all round the school. Dr. M. Aggarwal, the noted physician, was the Chief – guest on this occasion. The other participants included Dr. Asha Jha, a famous nutritionist and health expert; Sh. S.K. Bakshi, a well known environmentalist and some students of our school. The Principal and the staff members welcomed the chief guest and the other visitors. The chief guest in his speech spoke about the danger posed by diseases like diabetes, blood - pressure, failure of liver, kidneys, and heart. He appealed to the audience to give up smoking, drinking and the excessive use of fats. Dr. Ahs Jha stressed on having leafy green vegetables, salads and fibrous food. Sh S.K. Bakshi stressed on the importance of keeping our environment clean and pollution-free. The Principal reminded the students that a sound mind lives in a sound body. The star attraction of the celebrations was the demonstration of Yogic exercises by a group of students.


You are Sunit / Sunita, studying in Sun Public School, Allahabad Your school organized an Inter House Drama Competition for the students of the four houses of your school. Write a report in 150 - 200 words for your school magazine on the program. Mention the titles of the plays, their themes and the actor who was adjudged the best.




20th March 2010. Allahabad

Sun Public School was in the news again. Like every year the school organized an Inter House Drama Competition for the students of the four houses – Tagore house, Gandhi House, Nehru House and Sarojini House. It was organized on ………………….in the school auditorium. Sh S.P. Naranh, the famous dramatist was acted as the judge on this occasion. All the students had taken their seats in the school auditorium minutes before the competition started. Tagore House presented the play named 'Kargil. It was about the Kargil war in which India thrashed Pakistan. In spite of its patriotic overtones, the audience cheered lustily. The Gandhi House staged ‘Tamas’. It presented the horrors of the Partition. Nehru House presented a comedy named ‘Marriage of Moti Ram’. It describes how an eager old man is befooled by a young girl in the name or marrying him. Sarojini House stged the play named ‘Dowry’. It was quite a boring play and needs no description. The judges adjudged ‘Marriage of Moti Ram’ the best play. Suresh, who played Moti, was adjudged the best actor in the competition. In the end the chief judge delivered a short speech. In his speech he praised all the participants for their excellent performance thanked the principal, staff members and the students of our school for organizing such a competition.

Q. A science was organised in your school. Write a report on the same in about 150 words.

A Science Symposium at MMD Scoool



A science symposium on the topic ‘Effect of science on the quality of life’ was organized on 11th March 2019 by MMD School, Nashik. It was inaugurated by the chief guest Dr. SK Khurana. Our Principal and the other staff members welcomed the chief guest.


The whole school was decorated beautifully. More than 50 students from the nearby schools took part in it. The whole school was crowded and a great enthusiasm could be seen among the students. The purpose of this event was to create awareness among students about the effect of science on the quality of life. The programme started with the lighting the ceremonial lamp by the chief guest accompanied by the principal and some other leading dignitaries. Then there was a powerpoint presentation and a panel discussion on the topic. There was also a question answer session. After that a keynote address was given by the chief guest.


In the end the principal gave a speech thanking all the guests and the students for attending the programme. All the participants were given certificates and mementos.


MMD स्कूल, नासिक द्वारा 11 मार्च 2019 को 'जीवन की गुणवत्ता पर विज्ञान का प्रभाव' विषय पर एक विज्ञान संगोष्ठी का आयोजन किया गया। इसका उद्घाटन मुख्य अतिथि डॉ। एसके खुराना ने किया। हमारे प्रिंसिपल और अन्य स्टाफ सदस्यों ने मुख्य अतिथि का स्वागत किया।


पूरे स्कूल को खूबसूरत तरीके से सजाया गया था। आसपास के स्कूलों के 50 से अधिक छात्रों ने इसमें भाग लिया। पूरे स्कूल में भीड़ थी और छात्रों में एक बड़ा उत्साह देखा जा सकता था। इस आयोजन का उद्देश्य छात्रों के बीच जीवन की गुणवत्ता पर विज्ञान के प्रभाव के बारे में जागरूकता पैदा करना था। कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत मुख्य अतिथि और कुछ अन्य प्रमुख गणमान्य लोगों के साथ मुख्य अतिथि द्वारा दीप प्रज्ज्वलित कर की गई। फिर एक पावरपॉइंट प्रस्तुति और विषय पर एक पैनल चर्चा हुई। प्रश्न उत्तर सत्र भी था। उसके बाद मुख्य अतिथि द्वारा मुख्य भाषण दिया गया।


अंत में प्रिंसिपल ने सभी मेहमानों और छात्रों को कार्यक्रम में शामिल होने के लिए धन्यवाद दिया। सभी प्रतिभागियों को प्रमाण पत्र और स्मृति चिन्ह दिए गए।