The Rattrap

1. In our country a baby is born every two seconds. More mouths to feed means more problems. Growing population gives birth to many knotty issues- food problem , malnutrition , unemployment, increasing slums, static economic growth, low standard of life. Population must be checked, otherwise there would be chaos. The picture above gives you an idea of a happy family. The parents are all smiling and enjoying life while their two kids are also enjoying themselves. Write an article expressing your views on the topic-A Small Family is a Happy Family.

by Pawan

A large family was the norm in the past. Old order changes yielding place to new . Social and economic pressures have surfaced the importance and the need for a small family. A large family is a bundle of knotty problems to the parents, children and the nation. Even the bare necessities of life are not within the reach of a large family. Many mouths to feed pose undue pressure on the national resources. Parents remain under pressure and cannot feed and educate the children properly. So much so they force them to drop out of school and do odd jobs to supplement family income. If children fail to get any work, they are exploited by anti - social elements. Poverty spreads its wings . Unlawful activities flourish. In a small family, parents pay full attention to their children, to their education and make them better citizens. Prosperity at home is the harbinger of national prosperity. A small family makes a home worth living.

Q 2. There is discrimination in the upbringing of a girl and a boy in the Indian family system. The girls are denied access to education, medical care, childhood privileges and are kept subjugated. Many parents feel it unreasonable to spend first for the education of the girl child and later provide for dowry in marriage. In the picture given on next page you see a small girl washing the utensils whereas she should have been in a school at this age . Her mother is rebuking her. On the other hand her brother is being pampered. He is having a drink and is ready to go to school. Write an article on the need of educating the girl child.

by Saumya

In our country the deity of learning is goddess Saraswati but a girl child is often denied a formal education. How hypocritical we are! In cities , we do send a girl child to school but in rural areas , we cannot say the same . In spite of relentless efforts, the girl child literacy has seen no significant changes. The general attitude is - That a girl is to leave her parental home ultimately, so there is no need to treat her at par with a boy child. It is rightly said if you educate a man you educate a person, but if you educate a woman you educate the whole family. Illiteracy keeps girls dependent. Being illiterate or semi-literate, they fail to take care of the family properly. Education leads to awareness which could lead to the decline in child - marriage , child labor and other social evils . Vivekananda said , " Educate your women first and leave them to themselves , they will tell you what reforms are needed . " Education means emancipation of women .