Footprints Without Feet A Roadside Stand
The little old house was out with a little new shed
In front at the edge of the road where the traffic sped,
A roadside stand that too pathetically pled,
A small house is situated along the roadside. Residents of this house have extended front of their house to construct a small shed. In this shed they sell some food articles. So it is a shop. The traffic is speeding past the shed. It appears that the shopkeeper is requesting the travelers to stop so that they can sell some goods. 1. Where was the stand located? How had it been made?
Ans. The roadside stand was located at one side of the road. A little old house was extended and a new shade was constructed in front to open it.

2. Explain: 'too pathetically pled'.
Ans. It pleaded / begged in the most humble way.
It would not be fair to say for a dole of bread,
But for some of the money, the cash, whose flow supports
The flower of cities from sinking and withering faint.
Word Meaning
It was not correct to say that they wanted to give bread or any other thing free of cost. They want to sell something to earn some money. Availability of money is more in cities. It is money which is supporting development of people staying in cities. The flow of money or availability of money in cities helps people to lead a better life and without problems of adequate food. [Those living in city are able to buy food and those living in villages are not able to buy their food]

1. What would not be fair to say?
Ans. It would not be fair to say that the stand was set up for a dole of bread.

2. What was the real aim of running this roadside shed?
Ans. The real aim of running the shed was to earn some money from the city people who passed from there.

3. How is money important for city life?
Ans. The flow of money saves all the best and beautiful things in the cities from ruin and withering away.
The polished traffic passed with a mind ahead,
Or if ever aside a moment, then out of sorts
At having the landscape marred with the artless paint
The traffic consists of beautiful vehicles. They cross the shed while going ahead on the road. Sometimes people look towards the side of the road for a moment. They consider the shed as some ugly construction that has destroyed beauty of the area.

1. How did the traffic pass?
Ans. The traffic passed by the roadside stand without stopping there. The vehicles drove past ahead.

2. Why was a person turned out of sorts?
Ans. The building was painted clumsily. The sight of this building with the artless paint spoil the landscape. It irritated a person who stopped there.
Of signs that with N turned wrong
and S turned wrong Offered for sale wild berries in wooden quarts,
Or crook-necked golden squash with silver warts,
Or beauty rest in a beautiful mountain scene,
There is signboard near the shed. The letter ‘N’ is wrongly written. The letter ‘S’ is wrongly written. The shop offers to sell wild berries in a wooden container. The squash is being sold in containers. These containers have long neck and are of silver colour. Some sceneries of beautiful natural scenes of mountains are also being sold.

1. What was the state of the signs with ' N ' and ' S?
Ans. The signs with the letters ' N ' and ' S ' were turned wrong.

2. What were the two things that were sold at the roadside stand?
Ans. Wild berries and golden squash were the two things that were sold at the roadside stand.

3. Name the poem and the poet of these lines.
Ans. The poem is ' A Roadside Stand '. The poet is Robert Frost.

4. What attraction does the place offer?
Ans. The place offers a beautiful mountain scene for staying there if one had money.
You have the money, but if you want to be mean,
Why keep your money (this crossly) and go along.
The hurt to the scenery wouldn’t be my complaint
You may have the money but still you may not like to spend. You may be selfish and feel that things are costly. In that case you can keep your money with you and go ahead on your journey. [The shopkeeper is expressing his anger]The people of the shop will get disappointed but they will not complain.
1. What should one do if one wants to be mean?
Ans. One should keep one's money and move ahead.

2. What does the poet not complain about?
Ans. The poet does not complain that the landscape has been spoiled by the artless paint done on the building.
So much as the trusting sorrow of what is unsaid:
Here far from the city we make our roadside stand
And ask for some city money to feel in hand
They believe that their life is full of sorrow. But they do not express their sorrow. They feel that they have their shop so far from the city. They also want to earn some money just like people living in city earn.

1. What, do you think, is the real worry of the poet?
Ans. The real worry of the poet is about the sorrows of these people which have not been expressed so far.

2. Who are ' we ' in the first line? Where have they made the roadside stand?
Ans. ‘We’ stands for the rural poor who run the roadside stand. They have made the roadside stand far from the city.

3. Why do they ask for some city money ‘?
Ans. They ask for city money to keep their business going and developing it.
To try if it will not make our being expand,
And give us the life of the moving-pictures’ promise
That the party in power is said to be keeping from us.
With the money earned from selling things, they hope to grow at least to some extent. They also want to have a meaning to their life. They want to lead a comfortable life as shown in movies. They are aware of the promise made by those in power. But none of the promise has been fulfilled.

1. How would city money change their lifestyle?
Ans. The money earned from city people will make these rural poor prosperous. It will give them the life as promised by the moving pictures.

2. What is the party in power doing to the rural poor?
Ans. The party in power has not cared for the rural poor. It has not fulfilled the promises made to them
It is in the news that all these pitiful kin
Are to be bought out and mercifully gathered in
To live in villages, next to the theatre and the store,
Where they won’t have to think for themselves anymore,
Word Meaning
It becomes a big news when some people try to help them and their families. Their land has been purchased and they are shifted from villages to cities where cinema halls, shops and big stores are so near. They are promised that their life will be easier cities. They will not need to bother about their future because opportunity to earn is more in cities.

1. Who are ' all these pitiful kin ‘? What is in the news?
Ans. 'All these pitiful kin' refers to the rural people whose condition is pitiable. There is news that these pitiable persons are to be bought out with their belongings.

2. Where will they be settled? How?
Ans. They will be made to live together. They will be settled in the villages next to the theater and the store.

3. Why won't they have to think for themselves anymore?
Ans. Now they are in the grip of selfish and cunning people. They will pose to do good things, but actually they will exploit them. These greedy good - doers will control their lives. Hence, they won't have to think for themselves.
While greedy good-doers, beneficent beasts of prey,
Swarm over their lives enforcing benefits
That are calculated to soothe them out of their wits,
And by teaching them how to sleep they sleep all day,
Destroy their sleeping at night the ancient way.
But in fact those who promise to do something good for villagers are themselves greedy people. They are pretending to benefit these villagers but actually they are making a profit for themselves. Many such people come to village. They affect thinking of villagers which forces villagers to shift to cities. Villagers start thinking that shifting to city will reduce their current problems. In the city the life is different. Many times they need to work in nights so they need to sleep during the day. Their life style goes under a total change. It is not the same old style.

1. Name the poem and the poet of these lines.
Ans. The poem is 'A Roadside Stand' . is Robert Frost.

2. Explain (i) greedy good-doers (ii) beneficent beasts of prey.
Ans. (i) Greedy people pretending to be doing good things. (ii) People who are cruel like the flesh-eating wild animals pretending to be generous.

3. Who will be smoothed out of their wits “? How?
Ans. The innocent rural people will be fooled. cunning and greedy people will force them to part with their money. They will exploit the rural poor and mint money.

4. What will ' they ' pretend to do? What will ' they ' actually do?
Ans. They will pretend to teach the rural people how to sleep, relax and rest. Actually, they will make them work but they themselves will sleep all day.

5. Who will destroy ' their ' sleeping at night and how?
Ans. The ' greedy good - doers ' and beneficial beasts of prey ' will use their old tricks to destroy their peace and sleep.
Sometimes I feel myself I can hardly bear
The thought of so much childish longing in vain,
The sadness that lurks near the open window there,
Sometimes even I feel that it is difficult for villagers to tolerate the poor condition. The hope of getting a customer is like a wish of a child. Not many customers come and buy form villagers. A feeling of sadness and sorrow is spread across everywhere.

1. Who is ‘I’ in this stanza? What does the speaker feel somethomes?
Ans. 'T' stands here for the poet , Robert Frost. Sometimes, the poet feels that he can hardly bear the thought of so much useless childish longing.

2. What is ‘childish longing’?
Ans. Waiting for the prospective customers that will never turn up is a childish longing.

3. Why does sadness lurk near the open window there?
Ans. A lurking sadness prevails near the open window when no customer turns up.
That waits all day in almost open prayer
For the squeal of brakes, the sound of a stopping car,
Of all the thousand selfish cars that pass,
Just one to inquire what a farmer’s prices are.
Throughout the day they pray God for customers. It is their prayer that some cars should apply brakes, stop their car and come to their shop. Among thousands of cars, some cars do stop there. But the travelers are interested in knowing rates of things in the village. It is just for comparison of prices.

1. What do the people at the roadside stand wait for and why ?
Ans. They go on waiting throughout the day for the sound of brakes, the sound of a stopping car. They expect some customer if the car stops there.

2. Why are the cars called selfish?
Ans. The cars are called ' selfish ' because the car - owners think only of themselves, their journey and self - interest.

3. What do car owners generally do not bother about?
Ans. They do not bother about enquiring into the fate of the rural poor. For example, no one enquires what a farmer's prices are.
And one did stop, but only to plow up grass
In using the yard to back and turn around;
And another to ask the way to where it was bound;
And another to ask could they sell it a gallon of gas
They couldn’t (this crossly); they had none, didn’t it see?
One car stopped but it had stopped to take a turn. While taking turn it used the open space that was in the front of the shop. So it disturbed the lawn. Another car stopped only to enquire where the road was leading to. [They wanted to confirm if they were travelling in correct direction] . Yet another car stopped to ask if the shopkeeper was selling fuel. The shopkeeper angrily though if they could not see what was being sold.

1. Why do people generally stop there?
Ans. People generally stop there to use the yard to turn the car around. Some stop to ask the way to where it is bound. Yet others may ask for a gallon of gas which is not sold there.
No, in country money, the country scale of gain,
The requisite lift of spirit has never been found,
Or so the voice of the country seems to complain,
The money available through the sale of things is not sufficient. The villagers have not been to uplift their lifestyle. Hence the villagers always complaint about poor conditions and lack of money.

1. Why has the requisite life of spirit never been found?
Ans. The life of the people in countryside is quite miserable for want of money. Money which can increase the level of their living is not found there. Hence the spirit of the rural people remains depressed because of poverty.

2. What does the voice of the country seem to say?
Ans. The voice of the country people seems to complain of injustice against them and lack of money in their lives.
I can’t help owning the great relief it would be
To put these people at one stroke out of their pain.
Sometimes I imagine to solve all the troubles of villagers in one go itself. This could be a big relief for them. [This could be achieved if everybody buys from villagers.]

1. How will the poet feel a great relief? Ans. The poet will feel a great relief if the rural people are liberated of all pains with une stroke.
And then next day as I come back into the sane,
I wonder how I should like you to come to me
And offer to put me gently out of my pain.
But immediately I realise that this would not be the good for anyone. I do not know why people living in cities should come to villages. They will not come to village just to respect my thoughts. [To relieve me of my pain]. Or for taking care of people of villagers. [Author himself is sad because of problems faced by villagers. So he equates their sadness to his own sadness]

1. What will the poet like the next day ?
Ans. The next day the poet will expect another person to come to him and offer to put him gently out of pain.

Text Book Questions

1. The city folk who drove through the countryside hardly paid any heed to the roadside stand or to the people who ran it. If at all they did, it was to complain. Which lines bring this out? What was their complaint about?
Answer: The polished traffic passed with a mind ahead,
Or if ever aside a moment, then out of sorts
At having the landscape marred with the artless paint
Of signs that with N turned wrong and S turned wrong
Their complaint was about loss of good landscape because of these sheds and wrongly written signboards.

2. What was the plea of the folk who had put up the roadside stand?
Answer: The villagers had put up roadside stands to earn some money. They thought that people residing in city had enough cash with them to buy things. They felt that they were asking money for selling good product at reasonable price.

3. The government and other social service agencies appear to help the poor rural people, but actually do them no good. Pick out the words and phrases that the poet uses to show their double standards.
Answer: Many businessmen and political leaders have promised several things to villagers. Both have exploited villagers for their own benefit.The poets has used following words and phrases to indicate double standrads – And give us the life of the moving-pictures’ promise That the party in power is said to be keeping from us. Where they won’t have to think for themselves anymore, While greedy good-doers, beneficent beasts of prey, Swarm over their lives enforcing benefits That are calculated to soothe them out of their wits,

4. What is the ‘childish longing’ that the poet refers to? Why is it ‘vain’?
Answer: His childish longing is to remove all misery of villagers in one go. Misery of villagers can be removed in one go if all the people of city start buying everything from villages. But this is not possible. Hence his wish goes in vain.

5. Which lines tell us about the insufferable pain that the poet feels at the thought of the plight of the rural poor?
Answer: Sometimes I feel myself I can hardly bear
The thought of so much childish longing in vain,
The sadness that lurks near the open window there


The poem ‘A Roadside Stand’ by Stephen Spender raises the poet's strong voice against the indifference shown by the rich people and rulers towards the poor. The poet feels irritated to see the pathetic condition of the poor people running roadside stand and doing other petty jobs. The poem also brings in focus the unfortunate fact that progress and development are unequal between the cities and the villages. Keats describes how desperately the owners of a roadside stand wait for those who pass by their houses. They want them to buy some fruit or vegetable so that they can earn some money. The poet fears that in the false promise of relocating these people in town near the theater, they will be deprived of their abilities to take decisions for themselves. However, the poet leaves the poem on a positive note and wishes that these people should be brought out of their pains with a single stroke.