Footprints Without Feet
A thing of beauty is a joy forever
Its loveliness increases,
A thing of beauty is the cause of happiness forever. It is eternal. Its beauty never decreases. Our liking for it increases with passage of time. It always remains lovely.
1. Whose loveliness will keep on increasing?
Ans. The loveliness of beautiful things will keep on increasing.
it will never
Pass into nothingness; but will keep
A bower quiet for us,
The thing of beauty will never fade. It will keep us happy and provided shelter. This is same as a shade in the garden gives us shelter and relief during a sunny and hot day.
1. What are the effects of beautiful things on moon’s spirit?
How is a thing of beauty remain a joy forever?
Ans. A thing of beauty provides an eternal and everlasting joy to us. Thus it always remains a joy forever.
2. Q. What is meant by ‘bower’?
Ans. A bower refers to a quiet, peaceful place under a shady tree. It protects persons or animal from the hot rays of the sun.
3. Explain: Never pass into nothingness.
Ans. It means that a thing of beauty gives us eternal joy. It never loses its importance and charm.
4. Identify the phrase which says ‘it is immortal’.
Ans. The phrase ‘it will never pass into nothingness’ says that it is immortal.
and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet
It will also give us a good sleep. The sleep will have sweet dreams. It will give us health and will keep us calm.
Here sleep also means absence of worries.
1. Why do we need sweet dreams, health and quiet breathing in our life?
Ans. We need these things for a sound sleep. It results in a healthy body and mind. It provides us mental peace.
2. What kind of sleep does a thing of beauty provides?
Ans. It provides us sound sleep full f sweet dreams.
Therefore, on every morrow, are we wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the earth,
Therefore, every day we are putting a circle of flowers to bind us with the earth. Here earth means nature.
Poet wants to say that every day we are living with nature and beautiful things. Our love and liking binds us with beautiful things. Flowery band represents our love. Earth represents nature and the thing of beauty. Since we remain in touch, our bonding becomes stronger and we get the reason to live further.
1. What is a morrow?
Ans. Morrow means th next day.

2. Why do we need a flowery band?
Ans. We need a flowery band to bind us to the earth and make us live our life despite the dejections tha surrounds us.
3. What are we doing every day?
Ans. We are weaving a flowery wreath to bind us to the beauties of the earth.
4. What are the flowery bands that bind us to the earth?
Ans. Ans. Beauties of nature attracts / fascinates the man. The beautiful things like the sun, the moon, hills & streams, plants & flowers, wave flowery bands that binds us to the earth.
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures,
In this world, people have the wrong intention of hurting others. The world is full of jealousy and hate. There is hopelessness in the world. Some people do not possess human qualities. There is shortage of good people in the world.
1. What is inhumane in life?
Ans. Men’s self centered nature and his inability to rise above pettiness is inhumane in life.
2. Name the poem and the poet.
Ans. The poet is John Keats. The poem is A Thing of Beauty.
3. Why are we despondent?
Ans. We possess the evil qualities of malice and disappointment. We suffer from the lack of noble qualities. That is why we feel despondent.
4. Which evil things do we posses and suffer from ?
Ans. We suffer from selfishness and a self-centeredness due to which there is dearth of noble souls on earth.
v5. What are the circumstances that contribute towards making human unhappy?

Ans. Man becomes unhappy because he suffers from of hopelessness in life. The lack of nobilities in human being makes him unhappy.
6. Why is there an inhuman dearth of noble nature?
Ans. There are few people who can rise above petty differences. So there is inhuman dearth of noble nature.
7. Give one cause of human sufferings?
Ans. Man lacks noble quantities and this is the cause his sufferings.
of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o’er-darkened ways
Made for our searching:
There are some sad and troublesome days in everyone’s life. These may be because one is not keeping good health. We could also be sad because our way of leading life is not correct. Many times we may not be aware of the reason to be unhappy. We may need to search for such reasons.
1. What do you understand by unhealthy & over darkened ways?
Ans. The unhealthy and over darkened ways refer to the pain and sufferings in our life.
2. Give one cause of human sufferings?
Ans. Man lacks noble quantities and this is the cause his sufferings.
3. What message does the above lines convey?
Ans. The above lines convey a message that the would in full of sorrows, sadness & depression. People have become selfish. Even though life is possible on this earth and this is all because of the beautiful things here which help us to look at the positive side of life and give us happiness.
4. What does the word ‘gloomy mean?
Ans. The word ‘gloomy’ means dull and depression.
yes, in spite of all,
Some shape of beauty moves away the pall
From our dark spirits.
In spite of all such bad and troublesome feelings, something beautiful will remove the negative feelings and unpleasant emotions.
Poet wants to say that many times we will have troublesome experiences. Everything may appear full of sadness. Even in such circumstances the thing of beauty (somebody or something we love) will remove all the bad emotions from our hearts. It will fill our hearts with happiness.
1. What removes the pall from our dark spirits?
Ans. Some beautiful shapes or a thing of beauty removes the pall of sadness from our hearts or spirits. 2. How does beauty help us when we are burdened with grief?
Ans. We are filled with comfort and joy when we look at a beautiful object. When we are burdened with grief, a thing of beauty come as a way of hope & makes us forget our sorrows and sufferings
3. Explain : ‘Some shape of Beauty’
Ans. Beauty has no specific shape. The poet means in some form or some beautiful object which pleases us.
4. Why are our spirits referred to as dark?
Ans. Our spirits are dejected due to sadness and disappointment which may be the results of our own evil actions. So the poet refers to them as dark.
Such the sun, the moon,
Trees old, and young, sprouting a shady boon
The Sun which gives us light and warmth is a thing of beauty. The moon which gives us feeling of comfort is a thing of beauty. The old and young (new) trees which bless us with shade are things of beauty.
Poet wants to say that we can derive comfort from almost all natural things. So all these are things of beauty.
1.What sprouts a Shaddy boon for sheep and how?
Ans. Trees old and young sprouts to make a shady boon for ship. They provide shade for simple sheep and prove a blessing for them.
2. Describe the role of daffodils and clear rills in enriching the environment.
Ans. Daffodils blooms among the green surroundings. The small streams with clear water make a cooling shelter for themselves against the hot season.
For simple sheep; and such are daffodils
With the green world they live in; and clear rills
That for themselves a cooling covert make
The sheep for its simplicity and a flower like daffodil is a thing of beauty. Plant that make this world green are things of beauty. The streams of clear water are things of beauty. These streams make their own way. Many plants and greenery grows along as it flows.
Here the phrase ‘simple sheep’ represents innocent human beings leading a simple life. It is a metaphor. It feels so good to live with simple people. Hence they are also things of beauty.
‘Gainst the hot season; the mid forest brake,
Rich with a sprinkling of fair musk-rose blooms;
During hot season, a thick group of plants in the middle of forest is a thing of beauty. A forest where several musk-rose plants are blooming is very pleasing. Thus that is also a thing of beauty.
1. What makes the mid forests brake rich ?
Ans. The mid forest brake is made rich by the blooming of beautiful musk roses.
2. Give at least four examples of the things of beauty?
Ans. The sun, the moon, old and young trees are some of the examples of beautiful things meantioned here.
And such too is the grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
Stories of powerful and brave soldiers who died in wars to protect their countries are very inspiring. Glory of those soldiers are things of beauty.
‘Mighty dead’ also refers to people who had done some good work for development of society and human beings. Their work is of very high order. They inspires us.
All lovely tales that we have heard or read;
An endless fountain of immortal drink,
Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink.
Every story that we have read or heard is a thing of beauty. A thing of beauty is like a drink that can make us happy. It is just like an immortal drink (amrit) coming to us directly from heaven.
Poet wants to say that all the beautiful things have been bestowed upon (given by) us by almighty God.
1. Explain: ‘the grandeur of the dooms’.
Ans ‘The grandeur of the dooms’ refers to the glories and magnificence that our mighty dead forefathers are entitled to after death.
2. What is the thing of beauty mentioned in these lines’?
Ans. The thing of beauty mentioned in these lines is the lovely tales we have heard or read and which describe their glorify sacrifices.
3. What image does the poet use in these lines?
Ans. The poet uses the image of ‘an endless fountain of immortal drink’ to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth. The earth has bestowed us with sun, moon, flowers, rivers, greenery etc.
4. Who are the mighty dead referred to here?
Ans. The mighty dead referred to here are our ancestors the great people of the world who are worthy and respected.
5. Wat is the endless fountain of immortal drink?
Ans. The endless fountain of iommortal drink are all the things of beauty that sustain mankind.
6. What dos the word ‘brink’ mea?
Ans. The word ‘brink’ means the edge of the top.
7. What does the word ‘immortal’ mean?
Ans. The word ‘immortal’ means endless.
8. Who are the might dead? How do we know about them?
Ans. Our ancestors are the mighty dead We come to know about them by reading and hearing the tales about them.
10. What mage does the poet use to convey that beauty is everlasting?
Ans. To convey that beauty is everlasting the poet has used the image ‘endless fountain of joy.’
11. What are the effect of the immortal drink on us?
Ans. The immortal drink gives us immense joy, a joy that is everlasting.

(Text Book Questions)

1. List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem.
Answer: Things of beauty mentioned in the poem are – the Sun, the Moon, young and old trees, daffodils, clear rills, mid forest brakes and stories of brave soldiers.

2. List the things that cause suffering and pain.
Answer: Things that cause suffering are – spite, despondency, gloomy days. Our unhealthy ways and other darkened ways are also source of suffering and pain. Absence of noble people and nobler ways dampens our spirits and cause sadness.

3. What does the line, ‘Therefore are we wreathing a flowery band to bind us to earth’ suggest to you?
Answer: Here earth represents nature. Every day we remain connected to nature. Our attachment with nature is eternal. Nature is a thing of beauty, it removes sadness from our heart.

4. What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?
Answer: There is sadness and troubles in our life. These cause gloomy days. But a thing of beauty removes all the pall. These serve as an endless fountain of immortal drink right from the heaven.

5. Why is ‘grandeur’ associated with the ‘mighty dead’?
Answer: ‘Mighty dead’ refers to soldiers who had died for their country. It also refers to those people who had done good work for society.
Sacrifice of soldiers and works of noble people is of very high order and inspires us. Hence it is called ‘grandeur’.

6. Do we experience things of beauty only for short moments or do they make a lasting impression on us?
Answer: Things of beauty is a joy forever. It becomes better with passage of time. It never passes into nothingness. Its lovingness goes on increasing.

So a thing of beauty makes a lasting impression on us.
7. What image does the poet use to describe the beautiful bounty of the earth?
Answer: Poet has used the image of ‘an endless fountain of immortal drink’ to describe the bounty of earth. The bounty of earth includes the Sun, The moon, trees, greenery, clear rills and flowers.

The Theme of the Poem
The topic of this poem is that beauty may be discovered anywhere and, when appreciated, can be used to lift one’s spirits in times of adversity. Any beautiful object is always kept in our minds since it brings us permanent and everlasting happiness. The enjoyment that a beautiful object brings never fades away, but multiplies many times over anytime it returns to our mind.

Summary in brief

A Thing of Beauty’ is a beautiful poem by John Keats. In this poem the poet establishes the value and importance of a thing of beauty in human life. A thing of beauty is an everlasting and eternal joy to man as it leaves an indelible impression on our minds. Moreover, its beauty keeps on increasing and it never passes into nothingness. The natural world including sun, moon, simple sheep, trees old and young, daffodils, rivers, mountains, blooming musk-roses and ferns all add charm and pleasure to man's life and make it worth living. In spite of the pains and sufferings of life, beauty has the power to produce happiness. In fact, God has put an endless fountain of things of beauty which bestows the world with different shades and types of beauty. These beautiful things are the driving source of our lives as they inspire, motivate and encourage us against all the odd moments.
Conclusion of A Thing of Beauty
A Thing of Beauty summary tells us the value of beautiful things that are all around us and that one must cherish them. They provide us timeless joy and leave an unforgettable imprint on our minds, therefore every beautiful thing is worth preserving.