You are Abhinav of 785, Dev Colony, Chandigarh. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the nuisance caused by the loudspeakers in your Colony.

785 Dev Colony
45 October 2017

The Editor
The Times of India
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the nuisance caused by the loudspeakers in our colony. The noise created by the loudspeakers has become a great nuisance to all the residents of the colony. All religious places of worship put loudspeakers on the roofs. They keep blaring all the day and till late in the night. These loudspeakers start speaking very early in the next morning.  The sick and the students are the worst sufferers. The students cannot concentrate on their studies and the sick cannot sleep at night peacefully. Therefore I request the authorities to allot all the religious places of worship some specific time for the use of loudspeakers. I hope the authorities will look into the matter seriously.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully


Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting the defects of our examination systems.

258 Railway Road
12 December 2017

The Editor
The Times of India
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to express my views on the defects of our present-day examination system.
No one can deny the fact that our present examination system has many defects. It does not make students learn things deeply. A student's performance depends completely on chance as the examination is held only at the end of the year.  Secondly, it encourages copying as only set questions are asked in the examination.
The sooner we remove these defects, the better it will be.  I suggest some remedies which can prove helpful in this regard. First, short objective type questions should be asked more and more. Second, different students should be given separate question paper. Thus, copying can be discouraged in the examination. Negative marking can be introduced to check the tendency of answering by guesswork.
In this way, we can improve the standard of our examination system.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper suggesting means to check ever-increasing road accidents in your city.

254 Sec- 54
14 December 2017

The Editor
The Tribune
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to express concern on the ever-increasing road accidents in our city.
Road accidents have become very common these days. Most of the accidents in the city are committed by those people who are not trained to drive a vehicle. Such people do not know about the rules of traffic. As a result, they endanger not only their own life but also the lives of others. Children who are under the age of 18 belonging to the rich parents can also be seen driving the car at high speed. Thus they cause accidents. Many people drive their vehicle under the influence of alcohol and thus cause accidents.
Certain measures should be taken to check these accidents. A person should be given the license only after passing a test. Those who drive their vehicle under the influence of alcohol should be punished severely. Only then we can check these accidents.
Yours faithfully

You are a social worker. You are upset as some reputed schools are exploiting the parents at the time of admission by taking a capitation fee in the name of donation or building fund. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting the corrupt practice. Sign the letter as Rahul/ Rakhi.
254 Sec- 54
14 December 2017

The Editor
The Tribune
Through this letter, I would like to highlight the corrupt practice of taking capitation fee in the name of donation and building funds. Every parent wants to have their children educated in some good schools. But during the time of admission, these poor parents have to pay a huge sum of money as capitation fee in the name of donation and building fund. In fact, these so-called private schools sell education to the highest bidders. It is a shame that in a country where education was once free, it is now being sold and that too at a price. It is high time that some strict law was made against this malpractice. Awareness should be created against the extraction of money in the name of donation and building fund. All sections of society, including parents, teachers, students, and educationist should come up in arms against the system and in this way force the educational institutions to discontinue the evil practice forthwith. The government should also come forward to the rescue of these exploited parents.
Yours faithfully

You are Nagma of 785, Sector45, Panipat. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper stressing the need for introducing moral education in schools.

785 Sector 45
12 April 2017

The Editor
The Hindustan Times
New Delhi
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the general public and the authorities to the need for introducing moral education in schools. There was a time when religious and moral values were the basis of the Indian society. But today these values are fast disappearing and the modern society is becoming more and more faithless. Today many social evils are spread in our society. Most of these evils are because of the separation of morality from life.
I am therefore of the opinion that there is an urgent need of introducing moral education in schools. However, the moral education should not be the education about any region. The child should be taught to give equal respect all religions. A child should be told to give equal importance to all religions. He should be taught the importance of faith, honesty and fair dealing.
I suggest that at least one period daily should be devoted to moral education.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
