The Diary of a Young Girl

The Black Aeroplane
Q. 1. 'Paper has more patience than people'. Elucidate. Ans. According to Anne Frank, people are not always interested in listening to what you are telling them. They get bored and lose patience, but it is not so with paper. You can go on writing whatever you like, and as long as you like.

Q. 2. How did Anne regard her diary and what name did she give to it? Ans. Anne regarded her diary as her long-awaited friend in her imagination. She didn't want to jot down facts in this diary, but she wanted the diary to be her friend and she named “Kitty'.

Q. 3. Why does Anne want to keep a diary? Why does she feel she can trust a diary more than the people ? Ans. She wanted to keep a diary because she felt that people change and can't be trusted but paper doesn't change. Moreover, it patiently documents one's experiences. And she would keep it confidential.

Q. 4. Grandma had a significant place in Anne's heart. Explain. Ans. In the summer of 1941, Anne's grandma fell ill and had to have an operation. But she died in January 1942. Anne loved her grandma very much. Anne remembered her very much. On Anne's birthday, a separate candle was lit for grandma along with the rest.

Q.5. The classmates of Anne Frank were shaking with fear and nervousness. Why? Ans. The classmates of Anne Frank were shaking with fear and nervousness because it was time to move to the next class. The students did not know who would be kept back and who would be promoted.

Q. 6. Who taught Anne Frank maths ? Why did the maths teacher always get annoyed with her ? Or Why was Mr Kissing annoyed with Anne? What did he ask her to do? Ans. Mr. Keesing, the old fogey taught her Maths. He was annoyed with Anne for ages because Anne talked too much in the class. He had warned her several times, but Anne didn't stop talking in the class. In the end he asked her to write an essay as a punishment on the topic ‘A Chatterbox’.

Q.7. What does Anne write in her first essay ? Ans. Anne wrote that talking is a student's trait. She would not keep talking under control because her mother talked a lot. She had inherited that trait from her mother. And she would do her best to keep it under control.

Q. 8. How did Sanne help Anne Frank in writing the third essay ? Ans. Sanne was one of Anne Frank's friends. She suggested Anne to write the essay in verse form. She also advised her to put up the example of a swan and ducklings in it. The poem was very beautiful.

Q. What makes writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne Frank? Ans. Writing in a diary was a strange experience for Anne Frank because she had never written anything before. Secondly the shought that none, including herself, would be interested in the musings of a thirteen year-old girl.

Q. Why does Anne want to keep a diary? Ans. Anne didn't have anyone with whom she could share the inmost feelings of her heart. That was why she wanted to keep a diary and put into it all her inmost feelings.

Q. Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people? Ans. Anne didn't have anyone with whom she could share the inmost feelings of her heart. She thought that her diary was her true friend. That was why she thought she could confide more in her diary than in people.

Q. Why does Anne provide a brief sketch of her life? Ans. Anne though that if she did not write about her life, no one would understand a word in her entries in her diary. So she decided to provide a brief sketch of her life before starting her writings.

Q. What tells you that Anne loved her grandmother? Ans. Anne was left to stay with her grandmother when her parents went to Holland. She loved her grandmother deeply. When the old lady died, she felt very sad. She often thought about her. All this shows that Anne loved her grandmother.

Q. How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in her class? Ans. Anne justifies her being a chatterbox in her class by stating that talking a student’s trait. She wrote that she would do her best to cure herself of this habit. Her mother also talked as much as she did. Nothing could be done about inherited traits.

Q. What made Mr. Kissing allow Anne to talk in her class? Ans. Mr Keesing allowed Anne to talk in the class after he admitted that the joke played by Anne was on him. He took the joke in the spirit. He read the poem to the class adding his own comments. He also read it to several classes as well.

Q. Anne says teachers are most unpredictable. Is Mr. Keesing unpredictable? How? Ans. Anne is right when she says that teachers are unpredictable. Her teacher Mr. Keesing is very unpredictable. He is known to be a very strict disciplinarian. But he is so amused by Anne's poem that he allows her to talk in his class, and never punishes her again.