The Black Aeroplane

His Fiorst Flight
Q. What happened when the young seagull dived at the fish picked up by his mother? [Board Term - 1 2016-17
Ans. When the young seagull dived at the fish, he fell outwards and downwards with a scream. His monstrous terror seized him and his heart stood still. Soon his wings spread outwards and he could feel the tips of his wings cutting through the air

Q. How did the seagull feel when his belly touched the green sea? Board Term 1, 2012 )
Ans. When the seagull’s belly touched the green sea, he was scared that he would sink. He tried to fly but and not. He was exhausted and weak due to hunger.

Q. What did the young seagull do to attract his mother's attention? (Board Term 1, 2012 &2011)
Ans. In order to attract his mother's attention, the young seagull stood on one leg and pretended to be falling sleep on the brink of the ledge. He closed his eyes and he hid his other leg under his wing to attract his mother's attention.

Q. The young seagull was afraid of flying. Why? [Board Term 1, 2011)
Ans. The young seagull was afraid of flying as it was a steep fall to the sea, the sea expanse was vast and he thought that his wings would not support him and he would die. So he avoided to fly and preferred staying back alone on his ledge.

The Black Aeroplane
Q. Describe the sky when Dakota took off from Paris. (Board Term L 2012)
Ans. When Dakota book off from Paris, the sky was quite clear. The moon was coming up in the east and the stars were shining. There were no clouds in the sky. The climatic condition was ideal.

Q. “I’ll take the risk.” What is the risk? Why does the pilot of the old Dakota take it? (NCERT [Board 2012)
Ans. The risk was of flying the old Dakota aeroplane into the storm. He took it as he wished to reach home as soon as possible and to be present at the breakfast table with his family in the morning. Thus he took the risk although the visibility in the storm was zero.

Q. What difficulties did the narrator face while flying in the storm? (Board 2012, 2016)
Ans. The difficulties that the narrator faced were that all the instruments of his aeroplane stopped working. He could not see any thing as there were dark clouds all around. The radio became dead and the compass was turning round and round.

Q. A pilot is lost in the storm clouds. Does he arrive safe? Who helps him? (Board 2012)
Ans. Yes the pilot arrives safe on the runway. He is helped by another pilot of a mysterious plane. He vanish soon after the narrator landed at the airport. The pilot of the other plane guided him to a safe landing.

Q. What shocked the narrator after landing safely? (Board 2012)
Ans. The narrator was shocked to land safely after struggling against the black storm. Besides, he wanted to thank the other pilot who showed him the way, but he was nowhere to be seen. It was a sort of secret help of which no one was aware.

Q. Describe the narrator’s experience as he flew the aeroplane into the storm.
An. As the pilot (author) entered the storm, his plane started jumping and twisting. He could not see anything outside the plane as it was black. When he looked at compass and other instruments they had stopped to function due to storm. It was a terrible and fearsome experience for him. The fuel tank was almost empty and he could not fly more than ten minutes. Then he saw another black aeroplane by his side and the pilot of the plane signaled him to follow. It was a surprise for the narrator as the other black plane was having no light. He followed him without any choice and landed safely on the runway.

Q. What made the woman in the Control Centre look at the narrator strangely?
Ans. The woman in the Control Centre looked at the narrator strangely because the narrator asked him about the black aeroplane and she saw no one except the narrator’s in the sky during the storm. Even the radar showed only the narrator’s plane that night in the sky.

Q. Who do you think helped the narrator to reach safely? Discuss this among yourselves and give reasons for your answer.
Ans. It is very difficult to say about the unknown pilot who helped the narrator. But probably it was the narrator himself that helped him to overcome the fear in the storm as no other plane was seen in the radar except the narrator’s Dakota plane. In that fearsome situation, he might have been hallucinating. He himself was a good pilot and brave enough who helped himself land safely.